@bsford that's sadly where you are wrong, I've seen more higher rated games on wii/wii u over the past several years then on the other consoles THATS the fact...more enjoyable content on Nintendo ...better franchises too reguardless of "system specs" as said below I have pc + all the major console relases, yet I still end up running back to wii u no rephrase "if its a classic Nintendo game, or one of nintendos main releases, or a franchise of Nintendo's its going to do well and get a good review, that's just "simple math"
@Max_160 inferiority and system specs have nothing to do with a quality game...that's the sad thing that most people don't understand big large powerful PC = ? and whats your point I have "one" of those AND every major console of the last few gens...well really going back to the 3rd gen...so I can play any and everything I don't pick sides, or "oh I have a custom built new PC that can run games in full 1080p w/ 3-d playback, LED screen 16@32 hz - blah blah - doesn't matter my console setup is better then most "gamers" PC setups
Um I can name about oh I don't know 11-12 games RIGHT NOW on the Wii U that are 8 - and above and are actually big sellers, and great games (from Mario Kart 8 to SH: DR, now Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D world (great) - DK: Tropical Freeze which despite GS review score actually its quite enjoyable and most of the other sites/reviews have been above par - Pikmin 3 (not for everyone just like The Wonderful 101) but yea its that good of a game IMO (then again I've gotta remember most games are mere opinion on which people like Batman: armored edition - luigi u, Mario bros u, wind waker HD, among several others - I don't know me personally I haven't regretted buying a wii u w/ all the wii titles being immediately playable and all the content from nintendos history + the recent Zelda release which may be a hold-me-over title till Zelda U still doesn't matter - theres plenty of games, and content - buy one or just don't look at games - LOL @ people that wont get to play a game cause they don't have the system...have fun w/ Xbox one and....(thinking...real hard) Titanfall ? Forza Horizon 2 ? laugh (and IM NOT even a fanboy) I have a PS4, Vita (slim), 3Ds xl, Wii U, and X360...still just read the review, come to your own conclusion buy the game if you have the system don't sit and vent makes you look sad (the opposite of what most SHOULD be doing).
@zaffren78 Yea no offense but those text only comm64 games were very limited (considering the times even) and most fantasy adventure game have flaws as any game would. Theres no "reality" check - its simple A link to the Past was a classic SNES game...and people still enjoy it (very rare indeed irreguardless what decade the game came out) mid 80s, mid 90s, etc. I don't see it as a Blunder...Ocarina of Time w/ Master Quest, or even further back A Link to the Past, or forward with Wind Waker or Twilight Princess (my personal favorite) and the most recent Skyward Sword, all great games considered by many people...although the truth is it is opinion...personally I think PS3's top-rated game MGS4: Sons of the Patriots was a shitty game, and (then again I've always hated the MGS series) but that's me...personally theres a lot more to the Zelda franchise (even if the are running on old troupes, even if the game hasn't re-invented itself in 20+ years) etc, etc - all negatives/cons aside, its still a classic series, great puzzles, fun (atleast for me) I've always got that twinge of nostalgia and well again FUN from the series period...from 1990-present day the last 22-23-24 years I've enjoyed Zelda...a single comment on a bulletin of a game web-site is highly likely to change nothing opinion wise...I don't see this as being a blunder...look at the other "GOTY" contenders...Wii U's Super Mario 3D World...PS3's Last Of us (you kidding ?) ...If I want zombies I'll watch AMC's The Walking Dead...Grand Theft Auto V (for xbox360) which I understand, such a large sandbox type game...and others like BioShock: Infinite, etc - a lot of great quality games from the past 1-2 years 2012-2013, and this game included...I still don't see (even with personal tastes aside) how this is a "blunder" its one of the best games I've played on any handheld, nostalgic w/ new content and a "reason" to play it...not just relying on your nostalgia or a reminder of a golden era of cartridge-based gaming..no its just a quality game period and stuffed with content and for the price (if you work and make $) then it shouldn't be an issue...game of the year potential (imo atleast) yes without a doubt....theres no reality check..its just your opinion that you don't enjoy the Zelda franchise (and that's fine) I could personally careless ...cause when your playing whatever it is your playing I'll be playing what I enjoy (and yes theres a lot of other games out there that are not Zelda that I enjoy) I'm not a Nintendo fanboy and I don't choose 1 console/game franchise over the other...I can go play Path of Exile on PC, or Zelda on 3ds XL, or Dishonored on ps3...or hell angry birds on my nephews Samsung galaxy tab...I like a wide range of games...but I also like classic titles I grew up on (I was born in 82) so...88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 (and onward through middle-high school ) I enjoyed a slew of titles from the NES, SNES, N64, PSX, PS2 days...yea even now ps2 is a classic console to me...Final Fantasy VII on PSX (1996) Ocarina of Time (1996) N64, SNES Chrono Trigger (1993) so on and so on (Secret of Mana another big one) Seiken Denetsu III
And to add (I really don't even USE the POINT system) as a concrete way to solidify whether I am going to play/purchase a game. I have a PS3/Xbox 360/Wii and 2 PC's (one all-in-one and 1 older DELL XPS) ,a smart phone and 3DS XL handheld. I have dozens of games for all of the above platforms - most of them completed 100% or nearly so. I probably enjoy a lot of games others don't, or maybe some of the same. But before I purchase a game sure I go based on reviews (I do the same with a new piece of technology.
Lol you people. Remember each reviewer has a specific bias towards specific games, even if they say that's NOT the case. Its really a matter of opinion, and if several gaming publications/websites all review the game with high reviews/glowing reviews, then ever think that maybe its just because those specific reviewers (and I'm not bashing a single one of them) tend to like the game ? short or not ? generic or not ? Ever thought about that...and personally I enjoyed Gone Home (FOR what It is, not for what it doesn't have) IMO (and I think others would agree) you cant compare Gone Home to something per se (obviously) like Dark Souls - its not even fair (but that's not to say that in its own merit/right DS doesn't get a 9.0 or .higher) What is it with you people when a game gets a high review that you don't understand/like/cant comprehend (just because its not Halo 4, Skyrim, Tomb Raider, Dark Souls, Batman: Arkham Whatever, COD, BF, Mario Galaxy 2, Xenoblade Chronicles, and/or whatever) there may be (and I'm sure there is) people/gamers out there that HATE all those games I just listed but does that mean someone (professional or not) reviews the game w/ a high score (cause THEY consider the game a quality title/playthrough. It's not a technical argument or conversation its fairly simple - they reviewed the game on the merits it has (voice work quality, imagery, a sense of a period in time and how well it weaves the emotions of a family (even though you really don't even meet them face-to-face) and the soundtrack (all those elements) with very little to find fault with (even with a very short duration) during the time played these reviewers enjoyed it immensely (so I guess they shouldn't give it a 9.5 ? what is your OPINIONS oh wait a 8.0 ? or 7.5 ? or 8.5 ? just because YOU would give it that (and maybe others would too) doesn't mean this reviewer does - play it - like it or NOT, don't argue whether you think its a "slap in the face" to other games that have (on other consoles/or PC titles, or hell hand-held) don't equal up rating wise that doesn't matter Xenoblade Chronicles got a 9.0 UK review, and most people love that game (as do I) and this game got a higher review then most of the quality titles that come out (But I've seen 2 games in GS's history that got a 10.0 and no offense Metal Gear Solid 4: Sons of the Patriots DOES NOT deserve a 10.0 in my humble opinion - but it was a highly rated, highly sought after game upon the PS3's early shelf-life/history - that doesn't mean I'm going to fuss about it getting a 10.0 and games I CONSIDER to be of higher quality/better DIDNT get a 10.0, were splitting hairs here people.
He passed away from a rare form of sleep apnea, his cousin Steve Chenowith (who is Ryans dad's brothers son) made a comment (as well as Ryans dad) my mother knows Steve's father (Ryans father's brother) Mr. Jim - I've never met him of course, but according to both online and what my mother said it was sleep apnea, obviously the family would like to keep things quiet and avoid any attention on the actual specifics of his/Ryans passing. But some people have stated his dad's tweet about people taking better care of conditions like sleep apnea, but Ryan had some form from childhood, he had been on some sort of sublingual medication as a child. Not making that up not that it matters, the world lost a great man and GS+/GV I'm sure all miss their former colleague such a tragedy healthy eating and living obviously helps anyone (of any age, of any body size) but while maybe Ryan's weight didn't help obviously it also wasn't the main factor supposebly of his actual passing. Either way R.I.P, he had a great sarcastic laugh too.
And it is YEARS before the ps4 (if its even called that which im blatantly going to say it) im getting tired of the ps trophies, vitas lack of software, yea its a blu-ray player on the ps3, a quiet hum of the system, its a decent system, with alot of power under the hood (that until recently WASNT even being utilized properly) i remember ps2/early years of ps3 being horrible with OS/content - 360 was far superior (not graphically but who cares about what is the "best FULL HD 1080p blah blah resolution) good games are good games, I want to enjoy good games reguardless of the resolution, progressive scann, and how large the internal hard-drive is, everyone that argues the 360 vs ps3 (or how BOTH systems are superior to the wiis capabilities) tend to forget YOU are a small % of overall gamers that just want to enjoy the sy stems, and could give 1) two shits about the capabilities or its short-coming - fact is the wii HAS STILL blown both t hose "super omfgzorz 360 and ps3 powerhouses" in terms of sales per units in japan, US, and Canada...sorry (im NOT even a Nintendo fanboy, yet I still enjoy a SLEW of titles on my wii, and already enjoying 3 titles on my wii u) i respect both other systems, but they are (not by far) superior, atleast not in sales, game quality and overall fun
No one is going to forget about the wii or wii u, (some idiot made the same comment chieffreeman said 15 hours ago) years ago after the 1996 xmas release (or a few months before xmas) release of the n64 ppl said that same very thing (after the next consoles come out, n64 will be buried, they will stick to hanhelds) LOL...12, 13, 14, 15 years later..GC, Wii, Wii U (right 3 more consoles, and millions of units sold DO YOU GUYS forget that the wii > outsold ps3 and 360 ? overall in the past 6 years ? Have you forgotten that, "not next-gen tech" or not...the NOA (nintendo of america) is still a powerhouse, comments or no comments, criticisms or no - end of story :)
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