@JRLennis: and yet the best story is the first 3 films lol - nothing else (to me) has mattered since 1983s return of the jedi NOTHING in the industry that has the star wars label has mattered since 83..without him, the original plot (though expanded in the world via the journal entries and his "original intention") personally I dont care one way or another...better stories out there, besides television can do what film cant (with epic multi-season dramas like walking dead, game of thrones, breaking bad, the sopranos, the wire, oz, lost, mad men, sons of anarchy, the bastard executioner, enter the badlands, spartacus, the corner, six feet under, deadwood, among many others - its personal taste but I think theres more in television nowadays then there is in big budget screen productions..I mean theres plenty of films I enjoy...but even more television by far...to each their own but I have the classic notion that lucas is a big part of star wars creation, the original intentions (maybe they've splintered over the years or whatever) its been along time since I read into star wars...Harry Potter IMO or LOTR has better storytelling (especially when compared to those horrendous prequels)..but thats subjective I guess ?
@SterlingFox: maybe but mario is far superior then littlebigplanet (when comparing franchises) and as for 60millin being horrendous LMFAO - dude the BEST selling console of all time was the Playstation 2 and it sold 131 million units...and the 2nd best, 3rd best, and 4th best selling consoles (all belong to Nintendo) with the Wii (2006>present) being the best of :"their" consoles revenue wise..with just over 103 million units...and with the Wii U (2012>present) merely 3 years 60 million units is horrendous ? PS4=1 year newer/younger (2013>present) and its solid what 73.1 million units...so the Wii U is lagging (no one has argued that) but..to say horrendous would be like 20 million units in 3-4 years..>THAT would be bad...and no offense...but um for me I've been enjoying the console far more the past 1-2 years then the other consoles I own (and PC as well) I buy all current gen consoles + handhelds + a newer/modern PC (Asus) so I can just pick and choose which titles I want to play on whatever platforms I choose...and with Xenoblade Chronicles X (such a great game the original was...thank god for Operation Rainfall) and the fact that next months "X" release is going to be bigger, better, and all of the above I cant wait (especially with the title already being out in japan and doing so very well) - then you have the already released games for the console granted maybe only a limited selection (and let me add I'm far from a fan boy though I've been a gamer for 26 years and grew up on Nintendo) I dont pick one company/developer/platform to fall for and defend it...it is what it is - I own all the consoles across the board...but I have to say despite the negative responses to Wii U - from Wind Waker HD (release) considering thats the only zelda I didnt get to play the first time around when it was released in 2003 for the GC I obviously got it this time around...furthermore I cant speak for Mario Maker...as I dont own it (nor do I have any interest in owning it) but THE OTHER mario titles like for example Super Mario 3D Land/World (respectively the WII U version and the 3DS version) Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (even if these games are reboots, HD remakes, rehashed material) so what ppl love them, they get good reviews and I cant get enough Mario platforming (never could for nearly 3 decades) but thats just me to each their own...but also Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash U, even Pikmin 3 surprised me, among a few other titles (and with Star Fox next year, early 2016, the Zelda U title which I obviously wont miss, and next months monumental 300-hour Xenoblade Chronicles X which has already gotten 9/10 4.5/5 (so on and so on) and has received critical acclaim already in 2 regions ...its only 2 weeks away personally I dont understand all this talk about "nintendo dying this" or "not doing as well" "no real game selection on current console" LOL...right (despite Skylanders franchise and the billions it creates, Mario franchise BEING the biggest franchise EVER, and those are accurate statements) oh lets throw in Pokemon franchise (and Rock Hard which now has the rights to develop for nintendo and RARE coming out of the closet) future releases, future profits - and lets also not forget Nintendo still controls the handheld market, with a few releases (left this year, and next year) that are big and highly hyped for the U and the next console already on the horizon and with the 3DS XL/New 3DS XL doing well - (and according to this report the wii u is doing a bit better)...yea ok nintendos dying lol...I heard that 12 years ago...mhm...believe it when I see no fanboyism here just flat out fact...to each their own great thing about arts&entertainment is everything is subjective/opinion no one is "right" (other then quarterly revenues/charts/sheets/statistics/profit gain) OTHER then that...everything else in this industry is about taste/opinion ...yet I always hear nintendo bashing...I just laugh cause I know it doesnt affect them in the long run...check it out just watch :)
@Yams1980: to each their own i love alot of the games on the system despite lagging sales and a limited selection i seem to be using the wii u more in the past 2 years then the other consoles and PC that I own
I love the whole indie retro titles, or just retro titles in general I mean seems like everytime I turn around theres 2-3 being reviewed (dozens) over the course of the last few years...going back to Super Meat Boy (which even though its utilizing HD graphics, and isnt in the same genre as a steampunk adventure...its still retro in style, and has that 8-bit style (generation) sound, from that point onward games like Axiom Verge, Spelunky, Child of Light, Hotline Miami series, Guacamelee series, Olli Olli series, Rogue Legacy, Star Child, Super Motherload, Shovel Knight (a personal favorite), the groundbreaking and now cult-classic Braid, among many others have hit the industry hard, nowadays digital age, transferring programs, amateur developers, kickstartr, - makes game development a much larger pool, you dont have to like all these titles, or any of them - thats what makes the world go around...its all subjective/taste - I've learned many years ago not to argue with other people over something as benign (lol) as opinion (whether its music, television, video games, or literature) doesnt matter, it all comes down to "this game sucks, the games I play are better, PC is my preferred platform" or "this console vs that console" or "this band is better then that band" "no way this guitarist belongs in the top 5, what was this reviewer thinking?!" "what was GS thinking when they gave some indie retro 8bit title a 9, and only gave dark souls 2 scholars of the first sin a 8 (or what have you) man you people are just so nitpicky about numbers, and statistics and readers-poles, quarterly revenues, profit margin, review numbers (instead of reading whats IN the review) its all about that number, and at the bottom the pros/cons list. Lol, I mean really ? just because a game isnt utilizing whatever 4th generation modern day high processing 3D graphics engine, and utilizing current tech - or just b/c its not Konami, or Bungie Studios or (what have you) doesnt mean it cant be quality...(Jonathan Blow proved that) anyone who puts their mind to game design, programming, digi ar-design, among other categories, gets 'some' education, learns the tools of the trade, and gets some funding can create a project/IP - maybe it will do well and maybe not...such is the industry but I find it funny (seems like every retro/indie title, or just retro-styled title) that comes out people in the comments section below say "what the **** is it with all these crappy looking old-style games getting good reviews" its almost as if...they are so very simple minded (caveman voice): "dah erh, look boss this game has sprites and SNES backrounds, and the sound reminds me of early Mega Man games..what is wif dis" lol ever think (im sure most free-minded thinking people) can realize alot of these games are DEVELOPED that way cause there is a niche in the industry of people who like these titles, personally I can play a wide variety of games/genres/across the whole plethora of platforms...Xbox consoles (any of them) PS consoles (again any of them) and Nintendo which I grew up (up to current Wii U) and handheld platforms like new 3DS XL - PSP, PS Vita (so on and so on) - and yes PC as well. I've enjoyed the whole gambit, I own Wii, Wii U, PS3/4, X360 and XONE, PSP-2001, PS Vita (the current model w/ the lower quality LCD screen) and a decent ASUS desktop PC - a new PC every 5-6 years, and I keep up on handhelds and game consoles...buy 1 every year or so...as I can afford, far from rich - but since gaming is a big hobby of mine (and has been since the late 80s when I was just a kid) I think I'll invest what I can - when I can thats why when I see people argue over triple A titles and which platform it would better run on or play on...I say "I dont care" I own them all...so I just pick and choose...I can have nintendo exclusives, or sony exclusives, or xbox/microsoft platform exclusives...its just easier that way...whether its a big -highly hyped modern day game long in development...a FPS, a retro title, an ARPG, MMORPG, a sports/racing title...a handheld rpg, or shooter - you name it...if I like its style, and I read a "few" reviews (not just one) I do the same with tech as well...devices, tablets, handhelds, computers, new tv's (being I sold them for a living for a few years) I do extensive research on anything I'm going to buy...best buy, cnet, amazon, walmart, hhgregg, universal reviews, and overall 'reception' for any product game or device...so I know where I stand and what its worth, and its overall quality..seems alot of people dont do that nowadays I know I'm all over the place with my post but it all comes home with the idea that do your research, read up on stuff - (if you have the time, if not MAKE time) - and then maybe you might (Gasp) just learn something.
@Itzsfo0: besides already rise of the tomb raider has been lauded as EQUALLY as good as fallout 4 - obviously not a sandbox ARPG but nonetheless - lol me I own all the consoles and a PC - and a few handhelds...so I can get whatever game I want on whatever version I want (thats the best option) especially when considering theres a % of games that the PC will never see - and personally I cant stand keyboards even though I use them as good as anyone - I prefer a controller and a plug n play style - waiting on a game you may want to play JUST because you think it will look a bit better on the PC version (IF again you have a PC that can run it, with all the requirements) its more of a headache then anything. No thanks I'll go buy it now run it - and enjoy it your experience wont be any better then mine (cause graphics dont mean squat when compared to the other elements the game/ any game has) lol @ those PC master race people...that was so 2012 - boring old, and no real "argument" I just OWN all the systems/platforms and buy games as I see fit...I played Skyrim on X360...and honestly I dont feel any real difference between the 300 hours I put on the xbox version compared to the 118 hours I put into the PC version - sure theres the mod universe (which I dont really care about) and a few graphical improvements but for all the time I spent (tediously) with the PC I can honestly say I didnt get ANYMORE enjoyment from the PC version...I wonder how it is people think a slightly better resolution, (MAYBE a few framerate jiggles) makes a game better, run better ? maybe - but honestly the games I've ran on consoles dont feel any different, again it depends on the game itself...and when it comes to games in general its all subjective nothing more then opinion ...so go have fun waiting for a game that is already released and looks just fine to me...you make it sound like the PC version will have new areas to explore, MORE then the game that is currently out...um no - the game that is released tomorrow nov. 10 - will be the exact same game thats released months into 2016 for the PC...only real difference (according to what I've read) a few FMR changes thats about it...to me thats not worth waiting for, rather enjoy it during the holidays (besides I have a very nice OLED television, and a above average quality HDMI cable) so...I highly doubt I'll be upset lol
@Cbordi: lol the pc version wont be superior it will look a tad better nothing more - yea meh Id rather play it now enjoy it and get the full experience sucks for those that have to wait for what ? a slightly better resolution ? must suck :
@JustPlainLucas: or just OWN all the systems, me - personally I have a x360 (last gen 250gig hd) a Wii u (black 32gb system) preowned so I didnt pay more then $180 - and I've actually played a dozen or so titles so (and WITH Xenoblade Chronicles X coming next month and Zelda U next year) I cant complain and as for the current 8th gen consoles I have both (well all 3) XONE, and Ps4 (I have the new 1TB versions the PS4 I just recently purchased last month oct.2015 - the Black Ops III edition (mainly cause I wanted a 1TB and I liked the color scheme of Black Ops console - though the game...I personally could careless for I havent played a COD title since Modern Warfare 2 lol - and as for the XONE I wasnt going to get one till I realized it'd be stupid not to...so I got the new elite xone 1TB w/ the customizable elite controller...no I'm not rich far from it, a regular job - and an apartment but gaming is a favorite hobby of mine (has been since I was a child - elementary grade years) late 80s to present day ..25..26 years - and I've owned numerous consoles from nintendo (starting with NES, snes, n64 - all the way up to Wii U) same can be said for all 4 PS consoles and the 3 Xbox consoles, and numerous handhelds over the years (game boy, color, advanced SP, PSP, PS Vita for all its worth lol, 3DS and 3DS XL I skipped but recently purchased a New 3DS XL (gave in) - so I own current nintendo handheld and console, and current and last gen xbox consoles, and all the playstation consoles (and like most people a nice modern-PC - its only about 9 months old an ASUS-all-in-one with a decent 8GB ram, and dedicated nvidia vid card (280X) - nothing TOP of the line but enough to run the games I want (blizzard titles, etc) and with FIOS internet - wifi through entire apt. and a few nice LED televisions (I sold TVs for a living for many years) so I know what to buy and what the current best-models, all the technical garble means - so I make it easy for a salesman...I know more about TVs then I do the components of a console or a PC (though I know enough) - so...point being is...save up...buy 1 piece by 1 piece...alittle at a time..a year 2 years down the road you own a few consoles, handhelds, (tablet, smartphone, home PC, NEW 3ds XL, PS vita, ps4, xone, x360, wii u, wii, ps3) then you can just choose which games you wanna play (right now I'm playing one of the few wii u titles I missed the first time around (when it was released on the GC back in 2002) - and I missed it again when it first out end of last year (christmas 2014) - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (being a life-long zelda fan and well MOST nintendo franchises from donkey kong to mario-related titles, I'm still a fan of even at the age of 35) but out of all the zelda titles I've played across 24 years I missed only 2 and wind waker being one of them (handheld zeldas included) - so I'm playing it and enjoying it (I only play 1 game at a time) beat it, either keep the physical copy or re-sell it (if its even worth selling it as gamestop doesnt pay much for games unless they are knew or popular...you are lucky to get 50% lol) - luckily we not only have a few gamestops where I live (maryland) but - we have a GamerZone (specialty gaming shop) and another lesser known local-only gaming store in the mall so I have options (of course theres the wal-marts, best buys, and HHGregg electronic stores that are also around) but theres not much in terms of variety/selection in those stores only the new titles. GamerZone will give you 75% of what you paid for any game reguardless (unless it doesnt have a case or its damaged in which case you get a smaller % in return payment) but like for say..Dark Souls II - beat it enjoyed it on the X360, paid 49.99 - 52 with tax, I sell it to GamerZone I get $37 so I cant really complain..I'm getting off topic I know..but reguardless which system you own, if you want a game thats on another system (and dont feel like waiting for a future release on another system) then just save up and buy the system you dont own...even if you didnt initially want to.
@nimqua420blah blah game is fine - just go play it and stop complaining if you read above it says 40 hrs for 20% of the content lol its probably more along the lines of 140-180 hours if not 200 and witcher 3 was far from 200+ hours I did everything in nearly 128 hours - xenoblade chronicles X will be bigger then both of them
@iskarothso ? who gives a shit (funny thing is those same said games are BECOMING far more enjoyable) - see this is what we called subjective/opinion/taste - whats up with all those stupid COD look-alike produced once every 11 months repeats with a fresh canvas of paint ? (so on and so on) you could say that about ANY genre personally Shovel Knight or Axiom Verge ANYDAY over > COD Black Ops III or any Need for Speed title sorry , I support these ugly 8bit retroivania/retro games / indie kickstarter based titles ...this year I can name a HANDFUL (or last 2-3 years) from super meat boy to shovel knight to axiom verge(one of my personal favorites, and one of the more anticipated) to hotline miami 2 to olli olli 2 and olli olli and rogue legacy and the incredible spelunky and the masterful fallen, star child, child of light (great game unique art) - guacamelee, soundshapes (theres something game of the year worthy) some of the best soundtracks, tightest controls I've had have come from these type of titles, LIMBO another great, to the minecraft-esque "terraria" (some of these games have generated millions as well funding OTHER projects as well) like the upcoming star child - and star void - another personal favorite Super Motherload ...i mean to each their own but theres alot of great titles in every category/platform/genre for a wide range of gamers...lighten up relax (why do YOU care if a game gets an 8) LIMBO and super meat boy shit they deserve 9s and 10s (ive seen far worse titles get far more hype and same level points-reviews - besides the review (the words inside) is what counts not the number ...my lord
@majormajormajorwho gives a shit if its not normal or healty - rich kid who didnt have to work for his money like some trust fund baby wants to throw his money around and live comfortably whether his hobbies or interest are destructive or not STILL doesnt affect us...if he has a wife or kids (maybe them) but not us so who cares - I dont care if someone judges me personally (thats the difference here) this guy says he has a right NOT to be judged, I say go ahead and judge me does it change anything ? no - drug addict, rich, poor, thief, morally bankrupt, really none of it matters (make money, blow money, enjoy it , cause you will die eventually and cant take it with you) besides not everyone wants a "family" (quite literally there are people who have solid jobs, make "bank" 6-figure or higher, have 0 interest in children (myself included) - and just wanna live comfortably no need to splurge or go overboard but then again this guy seems level-headed, personally I would of (if I were him) I'm not rich but I do more then 'ok' - and I've mad some investments in my time I'm sure I would like to re-step, furthermore I've had substance problems in my past as well - but in reality I took care of it myself (most cant) but I was able to - and again it really didnt affect anyone but myself (and my own financial structure) so go ahead and judge what does it matter ? Judgements=subjective=merely another humans opinions (thats why I never get too upset, or take serious offense to anothers opinion) cause if I did - I would be a nervous wreck...I look at other commentors, websites, social networking, even offline in person - its all just peoples opinions, you dont know me (is what I would of said if I were this guy) my decisions are mine...healthy or not it has absolutely nothing to do with you - so go live your life I'll live mine cliche as that may sound its true.:
Itzsfo0's comments