@sotiredoh shut up who cares - crowdfunding has created some fairly decent quality IPs - theres scummary on all levels of society so who cares only a straight bitch complains about being "burned" so much that it negates anything else...boo hoo - you obviously wouldnt make it on the streets with that attitude, HE BURNT ME WAHH (posts online) lol HUMANKIND SUCKS - are you just coming to this realization ? most of us have known about that for some time so...move on, live life - who cares:
@RSM-HQThat is quite literally the dumbest thing I have ever read...duke nukem forever um..again (I have to remain calm and remind myself this is an UNeducated opinion of someone who obviously doesnt know the difference between a ARPG or FPS lol) I dont see how one makes that comparison (even as a jab/jape) I still dont see any comparison - but then again such is the way of humans comparing things that need not be compared and making blatant opinion statements as if they are fact (watch the game come out and do MUCH better then Bloodborne - I'm talking GTA5 in terms of revenue/sales/digital downloads) huge aftermarket of mods and years of post-game dev, all these idiots on here will be like (- 0 ) one big black eye lol
@RSM-HQim not a fanboy but personally none of those signs point to anything infact quite the opposite IF the game had been released in 2012 for the ps3 Im sure it would be far worse then whatever the final product ends up being in 2016 for the ps4, further more the "switched devs" isnt really a fact - only a few of the programmers (and the lead artist) took a break from the project - when it went through that so called development hell IE bogged down when being switched from 1 console to the next) but that was also the lead designers dream that the game could run and look better and have more of what they wanted (the final vision) on the ps4 - so they haulted development KNOWING that (as the saying goes good things come to those that wait) its not always the case but with a game thats been under such wraps and finally getting towards the end-stages of development I think it will do far better (or fare better) then alot of these triple A titles that seem to come out every year overnight with a few commercials and few cut-out magazine articles OH Look another COD Black Ops 281: Space version Early DLC get the lightning gun if you pre-order lol...you dont see any of that knee-jerk play (months in advance) with this game..IF the game is released in 2016...thats only months around the corner...2 months before this year is over...and well lets assume the game is released in the summer of 2016...being debugged in early 2016 (final path to end game production) if fanboys can have faith in COD, or all these other relentlessly annoying titles I'm sure something alittle more unique and thought provoking like The Last Guardian may just be the cup of tea for many gamers..then again I may be wrong (but also remember gaming like alot of other forms of entertainment = is simply subjective ,theres no FACT other then sales, figureheads, quarterly revenue) everything else IS just opinion (this reviewers opinion, this posters/commentors opinion, etc) this game may release in the summer of 2016, sell well (100,000s of copies every month) and get 9/10 and 4/5 on all sites - and overwhelming "critical response" but you may still find fault or not like it (such is the way of humans) where one finds amusement, enjoyment - another finds fault and nitpicks it to death (I guess I should consider myself lucky to be on the former for the most part) point being we dont know how the game will turn out...but delayed development and a switch in a few designers doesnt mean doomed to hell, IT may just end up meaning a renewed interest in the project, more DEVOTION (the second time around) and a full final well packaged release ever think of that ?...and PS the game hasnt been in development for 9 years (even WITH the change in scenery) 2009 > 2016....I know I'm not a mathematician but um...that seems just over 6 1/2 years (maybe 7 if you nitpick pre-release and national distribution) ...christ Skyrim took nearly 5 years, and we all know how much of a success that was (and rarely do many know all of the early development issues that game had with Bethesda's inhouse team) so...I find these quote on quote "issues" to be merely fodder until the day comes...nobodys right or wrong but I cant say until the time comes.
@suicidesn0wman im not a fanboy but personally none of those signs point to anything infact quite the opposite IF the game had been released in 2012 for the ps3 Im sure it would be far worse then whatever the final product ends up being in 2016 for the ps4, further more the "switched devs" isnt really a fact - only a few of the programmers (and the lead artist) took a break from the project - when it went through that so called development hell IE bogged down when being switched from 1 console to the next) but that was also the lead designers dream that the game could run and look better and have more of what they wanted (the final vision) on the ps4 - so they haulted development KNOWING that (as the saying goes good things come to those that wait) its not always the case but with a game thats been under such wraps and finally getting towards the end-stages of development I think it will do far better (or fare better) then alot of these triple A titles that seem to come out every year overnight with a few commercials and few cut-out magazine articles OH Look another COD Black Ops 281: Space version Early DLC get the lightning gun if you pre-order lol...you dont see any of that knee-jerk play (months in advance) with this game..IF the game is released in 2016...thats only months around the corner...2 months before this year is over...and well lets assume the game is released in the summer of 2016...being debugged in early 2016 (final path to end game production) if fanboys can have faith in COD, or all these other relentlessly annoying titles I'm sure something alittle more unique and thought provoking like The Last Guardian may just be the cup of tea for many gamers..then again I may be wrong (but also remember gaming like alot of other forms of entertainment = is simply subjective ,theres no FACT other then sales, figureheads, quarterly revenue) everything else IS just opinion (this reviewers opinion, this posters/commentors opinion, etc) this game may release in the summer of 2016, sell well (100,000s of copies every month) and get 9/10 and 4/5 on all sites - and overwhelming "critical response" but you may still find fault or not like it (such is the way of humans) where one finds amusement, enjoyment - another finds fault and nitpicks it to death (I guess I should consider myself lucky to be on the former for the most part) point being we dont know how the game will turn out...but delayed development and a switch in a few designers doesnt mean doomed to hell, IT may just end up meaning a renewed interest in the project, more DEVOTION (the second time around) and a full final well packaged release ever think of that ?
Why do you all make such a big deal out of scores like (sound of a witches scream) OMG!!!! this game got an 8 - and FIFA16 got a BLAH BLAH - this game must not BE AS FUN (based on a 1 point difference in 1 games review to another) lol...i mean really ? who cares its obvious this game has some 'flaws' but overall it does the job, and provides a quality multiplayer, things are well-balanced, good action and solid/tight (as usual) controls...i mean if you read one review of a game, and then go to another site and read another review and after 2-3 varying reviews on 1 game you can sorta get the feel of if its worth picking up or not lol...for me reviews dont go much further then that
@nikolistary: nothing worthy of value ? who gives a shit if its WORTHY of value (all you are pussies) online lol"he didnt earn it " "it wasnt worthy of value" "its not meaningful or impactful or productful" LMFAO LMFAO (or the best one its a sin or theres no dignity in this ) LMFAO this guy is laughing at you all - making 45k at your construction jobs busting ass for the "man" earning a mediocre (at best living) - some guy who manages to capitalize off electronic entertainment (make a video OF video games) stream it and make millions - THEN have a bunch of commentors on a (mind you) GAME SITE comment how it wasnt productful or worthy of value - and your comment (and time spent) to comment is worthy of value ? lol this guy could give 2 shits whether 1 or 2 or 3 commentors think what he did was "worthy of value" who are you guys ? to judge ? did you pay him or take from him or help him in anyway ? no - you sat on a website posting a comment (which basically makes you look merely jealous) all I see when I view these comments is: "blah blah im jealous, blah blah he didnt do anything of value (which really just means I DIDNT think of it first, damn hes smart, damn he was lucky to get in on the right time" lol blah blah im angry and jealous i gotta walk around a warehouse all day tomake $ - this guy streamed minecraft videos w/ add-ons lol - smart guy if you ask me I could careless about things like "worthy of value" thats some knee jerk wears-my-heart-on-my-sleeve, hippie libearlist douchebag talk there - there are child molestors and drug traffickers in the world, and you say a guy who plays a game and makes $$ isnt deemed worthy of value (what he did to earn the $) again you are just 1 opinion - he probably could careless lol
@nikolistary: and in the end...theres FAR worse things to be then a ex-reality star in 2033 - how about a homeless crackhead in 2019 ? or dead in 2020 - some ex-reality star living on mediocre means in 2033 doesnt seem so bad now does it ? lol people put too much stock into "positive and productful lifestyles" they come fast and go fast ? so it doesnt take much to earn millions in pop culture or (capitalizing off of it at the very least) - theres no dignity in this ? its a damn game its electronics ALOT of people make money in games its a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR a year industry - you are some hippie or religious fanatic (i can see it now, sitting infront of a congregation speaking to your flock "this IS sin, this has no dignity in it" lol you make it sound like hes a cocaine drug trafficker - hes just making money off electronic entertainment not a damn bit of harm (rolls eyes) maybe you are just blowing it out of proportion (but then again I gotta remind myself) you are just 1 poster/commentor (nothing you say means you are right, same rules apply to me) neither of us are right nobody can say what is right or wrong (I mean certain things I think are pretty easy to tell) like violence etc, - but this ? nobody has a right to judge hes NOT doing anything illegal to earn his money, im sure he will be just fine - and happy and looking at us like (shaking my head) whats worse a guy making legal money off electronic entertainment (via streaming/social media related to games) - or someone sitting ON (mind you dont forget) a GAME website and commenting how there is no dignity to this ? who gives a shit about dignity on a day to day basis (with so many horrible things going on in this world this guy making millions off minecraft which is a building game, which alot of people enjoy) FAR worse things then this and I think maybe you've blown this out of proportion
@nikolistary: um actually alot of these type guys arent using drugs or blowing their cash (buying 1 big nice home and a few cars) is one thing, invest the rest - live off the interest and I can guarantee you 10-12-13+ million dollars used PROPERLY (shit give it to me) I'll buy a nice home nothing this price of course - but I'd live just fine (remember not everyone wants a domesticated typical 9 to 5 job with 2 children a spouse and a load of dishes to wash everyday) - some dont mind being alone having friends family, a nice healthy income and a place to call my own w/ my hobbies next to me - what does someone have to have a degree ? uh no plenty of people making 6 figures with alittle more then a HS education and possibly a few certifications - in a specificed field - and some work experience over time of course, me if I even had just a few million I'd make it worth for a lifetime, not like the horror stories you see w/ lottery winners, I'd splurge alittle, and enjoy certain earthly pleasures, but I'd sustain and make it through the years and 30, 35, 40 years later - old and looking back I would be able to say Im happy easy to entertain, never wanted children or a spouse - a live in mate is one thing, but (not everyone wants the same) it wouldnt take much to please me - not even the fanciest of lifestyles - average middle-american WITH money and the ability to have 'some' of the finer things, would be more then enough and I'd survive (cause PS heres a hint we all die, we all live) so what you in between (whether its considered/deemed motivated by positive things/productful thats just an opinion/subjective - its based on whos judging you - personally I wouldnt care what others think "oh he thinks I didnt earn this through hard work, something truely productful" lol plenty of people are making loads of money in the entertainment and game industry what about game developers ? Im fairly sure that part of the game industry ISNT going anywhere anytime soon typical work hours, steady schedule, lifetime job/career (comptuer information science, security, cyber security, networking, programming) all the jobs and careers INVOLVED in technology, art design, graphic web design, game pr-software IP design - (so on and so on) I'd love to be in the game industry and (even if only loosely associated) with like some Pro-streamer who (in just a few years capitalizes off the popular trend of streaming/social media/online gaming) shit why not ? make a few mill, manage your money right (which would be easy for me) - and live comfortable (not a multi million dollar mansion but a nice brick bi-level 400-500k home - maybe 1-2 nice rides, an acre or two - well built home, maybe a inground pool outback - and all the extras in and around the home fiber optics, all modern tech in house - etc, etc - fully loaded vehicles, and I'd have family over, friends - have a live in partner - maybe it would work maybe not but I would make it and while $ isnt everything - having it is nice, especially when you are doing something completely legal - and (reguardless whether the rest of society agrees) ALOT of these guys arent rock stars, or alcoholics, or comedians w/ drug problems, these are techie, smart, geeky guys who have made millions and know (even the vaguest idea) of how to manage, micro-manage and stretch out this money, I'm sure 10 years from now this guy "wont" be on skid row (as one of the above posters say) he will prob be gaming, doing just fine - his health/wealth sitting just comfortable, so you feel bad for him ? I dont - not the slighest and he will probably be more then ok (and if hes a bit anti-social with some sociopathic tendencies) which isnt always a bad thing (like myself) he is fine with how he earned his money - and doesnt care about the judgements of others, enjoys his life till he dies and thats about it, doesnt matter whether he cured cancer, invented a longer lasting lifebulb his life/my life - our lives dont have to be meaningful and impactful on the world, just enjoy what you got (or attempt to achieve to get more) he didnt cut any corners, sell drugs, or cheat or hurt anyone to get that money / earn that money - so what ?
@nikolistary: blah blah blah im angry I dont have alot of money blah blah blah (is all I see when I read this post) if you had 2, 3, 4, million a nice home - nice car and were living very comfortable Im almost positive you wouldnt complain (and would probably do the same thing) ...theres always gonna be a few jealous people in the comments section when you see pictures of someone who has "made" it - me? I salute the guy - yea american greed at its finest !!! rawr lol - people are such knee-jerk liberalistic type tree-hugging douchebags...,"wahh he didnt work for it, wahh how greedy and selfish" wah lol cry more QQ lol atleast you ADMIT your jealous "but god damn earn your home actually doing something?: first off you are ON A GAMING SITE what do you expect there to be ? snow plow business or something gay and normal like that ? lol "doing something" ANYTHING you do from beating your meat to checking your iphone to sleeping is "something" you are (as you said) just jealous - do nothing and have FUN and make money ? hm sounds like the guy is "onto something" lol i love these jealous commentors that know this guy has sat and played games and made tons of money (thats hilarious) IF i was this Guy I would really (actually truely) love/revel in the fact (every comment that has something along the lines of "you didnt earn this, damn go earn it doing something" things along those lines I'd laugh at each one of them like "sucks to be you" lol working @ some warehouse making 13 an hour pushing carts around or rotating tires at a local body shop for less then 3 grand a month - lol meanwhile this guy capitalizes off game streaming and modding lmao /salute him
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