@stealthatbase: still doesnt matter, far better games ps3 was so lackluster, thank god for the ps4...ps3 had what sons of the patriots ? bout it..horrid processor, and the way it handled mem (far before this post) people knew...funny all this talk about ps3 and wii (yea we all know wii dominated in sales) but um...original xbox blew wii sales (when compared on charts) out of the water, furthermore...lol in the end what matters is how do the games run and on the 360 they almost ALWAYS ran better (and there was more titles) plus 360 had a better marketing campaign halo alone gave them a edge up sales isnt everything...more households that I saw were enjoying the 360 then the ps3 (mostly it collected dust) ps3=no modding, horrible subculture on the ps3...360 on the other hand it was a delight, smooth interface, better running games, and a big society of moddin (like the PC)..but to each their own I had both ps3 and 360 but I rarely played the ps3..ps2 on the other hand is the SINGLE greatest selling console...game boy/color/pocket franchise the best selling handheld on the market, and ps4 thank god done things right that the ps3 didnt do...so in some ways it goes back and fowarth one gen to the next one is ontop or the other sales dont mean shit to me (nor do the numbers in a review) why ? cause I just buy them all...all the current gen consoles, PC - and handheld...so i can just pick and choose whatever titles I want on whatever platform I want...makes things alot easier...but im still playing my 360 (rise of the tomb raider) meanwhile...ps3 has faded into nothingness barely a small selection in gamestop nowadays...besides I always root for the underdog, though admittedly I dont pick sides, fanboyism is annoying...I own them all (as said above) buy 1 at a time when I can afford to...and enjoy gaming 'across' the board...BUT to me reguardless of quarterly revenues, sales, charts - graphs whatever, besides that I always see 360 commercials, more 360 titles, more modding going on, and overall just more variety...I've enjoyed PS consoles over the years as well as (growing up on) Nintendo consoles/handhelds but...I think its about even...you guys are merely arguing "where a console is most popular" what about the companies Microsofts Windows Op systems ? lol tahts GLOBAL ...GLOBAL...um yea no offense samsung and microsoft is just as global as anything sony has put out...you are comparing a single game console...overall Microsoft OVERALL profits (Not just with the game consoles) but all related merchandise/products/software...is STILL higher then what sony or nintendo puts out...they are called (from 2007-2014) the "software giants of the world" for a reason...so yea sony or nintendo has markets elsewhere...but (in the end) what do I give a shit about europeans gaming market ? or how well sony ps4 or ps3 or ps2 does in japan when I live on the east coast of the US ? lol you guys are making meaningless arguments "rawr rawr xbox only sells in america" well no shit...thats the only country I care about LMFAO cause I LIVE HERE **** i care about another companies markets overseas when Im not "there" ?
@jedediahpelland: still doesnt matter, far better games ps3 was so lackluster, thank god for the ps4...ps3 had what sons of the patriots ? bout it..horrid processor, and the way it handled mem (far before this post) people knew...funny all this talk about ps3 and wii (yea we all know wii dominated in sales) but um...original xbox blew wii sales (when compared on charts) out of the water, furthermore...lol in the end what matters is how do the games run and on the 360 they almost ALWAYS ran better (and there was more titles) plus 360 had a better marketing campaign halo alone gave them a edge up sales isnt everything...more households that I saw were enjoying the 360 then the ps3 (mostly it collected dust) ps3=no modding, horrible subculture on the ps3...360 on the other hand it was a delight, smooth interface, better running games, and a big society of moddin (like the PC)..but to each their own I had both ps3 and 360 but I rarely played the ps3..ps2 on the other hand is the SINGLE greatest selling console...game boy/color/pocket franchise the best selling handheld on the market, and ps4 thank god done things right that the ps3 didnt do...so in some ways it goes back and fowarth one gen to the next one is ontop or the other sales dont mean shit to me (nor do the numbers in a review) why ? cause I just buy them all...all the current gen consoles, PC - and handheld...so i can just pick and choose whatever titles I want on whatever platform I want...makes things alot easier...but im still playing my 360 (rise of the tomb raider) meanwhile...ps3 has faded into nothingness barely a small selection in gamestop nowadays
@willjohnboy: still doesnt matter, far better games ps3 was so lackluster, thank god for the ps4...ps3 had what sons of the patriots ? bout it..horrid processor, and the way it handled mem (far before this post) people knew...funny all this talk about ps3 and wii (yea we all know wii dominated in sales) but um...original xbox blew wii sales (when compared on charts) out of the water, furthermore...lol in the end what matters is how do the games run and on the 360 they almost ALWAYS ran better (and there was more titles) plus 360 had a better marketing campaign halo alone gave them a edge up sales isnt everything...more households that I saw were enjoying the 360 then the ps3 (mostly it collected dust) ps3=no modding, horrible subculture on the ps3...360 on the other hand it was a delight, smooth interface, better running games, and a big society of moddin (like the PC)
@Itzsfo0: microsoft still has a bigger quarterly revenue then sony or nintendo (were talking as company aswhole) and so therefore...windows > more of that in worldwide homes then any playstation console the japanease/europeans are playing
@jdt532: episodes 4-6 his vision as well, i liked it - so um yea...good luck disney lol old actors return, new baby child-friendly script like nintendo w/ mario lol...this shall be interesting the last GOOD thing to come from this franchise WAS 1983's return of the jedi :)
@Oni: shit with his money he can be whatever he wants..these guys could careless about a few comments on a game site lol...4 billion call me the biggest fattest loser of them all (cause in reality he doesnt loose, he wins lol he won the minute he stepped down from this DOOMED franchise, big budget sure, im sure it will rake in 38476349837643894763 in opening week) all the more power to Disney and its kid friendly anti-game of thrones sex scenes, I mean this IS a space opera for tikes and moms and dads right ? no thanks I'll stick to great american adult drama series (TV has become far superior to film anyway) it can tell story progression/story arcs/character progression in ways film cant...2 hour films...not much time to really dive into anything serious or "indepth" besides...the last good thing to come from the star wars franchise was 1983...since then none of it has mattered, better stories out there in the world of arts and entertainment
@ENVYotb73: I see it the other way around...immature would be downright bashing...call it secret hidden lingo that you must be reading cause after reading his above comments...I dont see it that way he didnt agree so what, they went seperate ways he didnt outright bash anything.. maybe his intentions are as you say (dont matter to me one way or another) nothing good has come from star wars since 1983 - the first 3 films..is all star wars will ever be, sure expand the franchise/universe so a new generation of young masturbators with barely any hair on their balls can get a taste of the space-opera...but Disney ? lol..ok have fun tikes, I can get better entertainment from AMC or HBO with the drama series on television...but I guess thats subjective - to each their own...Disney paid him 4 billion...well as a billionaire he can have whatever opinion he wants...a god given right..say as you will too often in society (especially in arts&entertainment) everyone kisses ass and says the appropriate thing...I have no clue what has happened here but, to me someone saying what they want (or as they feel) cause OBVIOUSLY you are..you are speaking you're opinion..being the original mind behind star wars...I feel um he has the right to say anything he want...and I dont know but I dont read into things all that much I'm already reading comments about conspiracy theories, ppl bashing Lucas for his opinion on the current state of star wars, his original intentions (whether thats the truth or not) doesnt matter...give him a break he bows out and steps down and live comfortably for the rest of his life (he would have reguardless if he sold the rights to this franchise in 2012 or not) but...even more so now..so what ? who cares lol
Itzsfo0's comments