@RogerioFM: id still much rather play this game then witcher 3, witcher 3 wont get GOTY it was great but I think this game will be far larger, and more to do - even with the nuances and complaints (then again what game DOESNT have issues) skyrim was a classic but it was far from perfect, i loved Xenoblade Chronicles which got 8.5 / 9s on most sites (this game basically gets almost the same rating) so if I enjoyed 220 hours of chronicles, I'm sure X will be just as good - I'd take Fallout 4, Rise of The Tomb Raider, Just Cause 3, and Xenoblade Chronicles X over Witcher 3, Bloodborne as well - all in all its been a good year of big games (MGS V: Phantom Pain as well)
@Blackened_Halo: looks just fine to me xenoblade did just fine on the wii...lol you people graphics smh smh immature zitfaced 17 yr old gamers lol prob been gaming less than a decade ...retro titles generally have better soundtracks art style tighter controls then these big budget aaa blockbusters...lol give me axiom verge anyday over gta V give me rogue legacy or shovel knight over any modern fps...give me super meat boy or braid or hotline miami over any modern sports or racing sim anyday...give me monolith soft an tetsuya takahashi 25 yr veteran of jrpg and xenoblade titles n 200 300 hrs of content over mgs V or fallout 4 anyday of the week...dont get me wrong i like the far crys n tomb raiders n witchers but im all for retro 8bit classic arpgs n platformers...also theres something bout the soundtrack of those classic retro or retro indie titles...im all for amateur kickstartr funded indie titles..hate on them all you want but theres a reason why most of them get such high praise n acclaim..n no its not just th nostalgic factor..get over yourselves...but theknife cuts both ways..being a gamer since 1987 ive realized quite along time ago like all forms of media arts/entertainment its purely subjective|opinion..so i gotta respect that...even the most naive n basic of opinions like "man these graphics are like so 2003 ish"...fine dont play it..your loss definetly not mine :)
@Stebsis: water looks just fine to me - compression is youtube, doesnt look bad to me considering lol @ people all about the graphics thats why I never gave two shits about console vs PC and blah blah - i enjoyed JC2 just fine if the content isnt fun or there isnt much to do that would be something I'd be concerned about, Xenoblade Chronicles X will be amazing like the spiritual successor it is - and look at the original Xenoblade C - nothing spectacular hell its pretty shoddy in some areas but that doesnt retract from enjoying the game...besides I'd prefer retro titles anyway, better gameplay from a 10 hour game then 100 hours of some of these games lol
@bat725: or just own them all ? - thats what I've always said in these comments section (whenever I see console wars, or console vs pc or blah blah) me ? personally I just buy a console (and a handheld) 1 at a time, as I can afford it..and as a year or two goes by...I end up owning them all (wii u, 360, xone, ps3, ps4, vita 2001 model, new 3ds XL, etc) and a decent fairly new PC - so I can run PC games, handheld games, and majority of the consoles (from the previous 7th and current 8th gen) - as a gamer for the majority of my life (now 34 years old) since the late 80s...since the atari jaguar 2600, to NES (and every subsequent nintendo console) as well as all the major PS consoles and Xbox consoles (sega was one of the few companies where I didnt own any of their consoles) although I did have a dreamcast and (prior) a saturn/3do system (NEO geo as well) and over the years plenty of nintendo handhelds (game boy original, pocket, color, advanced SP, ds lite, new 3ds xl, psp, ps-vita-2001 (LCD screen/model) - and of course over the years several desktops, laptop and nowadays like every other person a tablet/smart phone. so theres MORE then enough gaming to go around when you own multiple consoles, and other platforms...so I just choose whatever titles I want on whatever platform I want...to me (and am I the only one?) that thinks thats the easiest ? I never got "oh yea my system is better, i have the better exclusives, or oh yea my system can run these titles @ 1080p FHD vs your 900p" lol...just buy them all (even if you are on a set income - you can buy 1 at a time as you can afford over a period of time these consoles/handhelds arent going anywhere - anytime soon you know) . I mean its gaming ...just like literature, television, film, music - its all subjective/opinion based so I guess everyone is different, to each their own but my lord it just seems easier to buy them all ? and then pick and choose whatever titles you want (and if its an exclusive atleast you can play it) and if its a AAA title, just choose it for whatever console it runs better/smoother on OR the PC..lol
I'm (i have been) actually far more excited for Xenoblade Chronicles X then ANY other title this year (and thats saying quite along considering the amount of high quality large open world games released this year) from the obvious Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (and the respective updates/DLC) to MGS V: Phantom Pain, to the more recent Fallout 4 - of course other titles that arent ARPGS or open world western rpgs, or even rpgs - just action/adventure titles that are (in itself fairly large and detailed) like the 'also' recent RTR - Rise of the Tomb Raider, which was another acclaimed title released the same time as Fallout 4 just recently. Despite all of these titles (and a few more I didnt list) including some retro-indie titles, Xenoblade X has been the one I've looked at, discussed and taken an interest in the most its one of those "I know it will do well" feelings, the review will be (at the least 8/10, if not 9/10) which is for me fine either way, I know a number is just a number, its whats within the review that counts. Although reviews (sites like Famitsu) for japan have already come in, and its already been given overwhelmingly high praise/warm reception. I mean this IS Monolith Soft, and Tetsuya Takahashi (being the main developer on the previous Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii) which was released in Japan/Europe regions at the same time in 2010 (end of year) and by early 2011 the reviews were in on sites like Gamespot, despite no plans to localize the game in 2011/2012 (the team had already started work on a quote on quote spiritual successor not a direct sequel or prequel just a title similar to that of Chronicles but larger, more detailed, revamped combat/quest exploration, etc - meanwhile Operation Rainfall had been created and what ? nearly 135,000 petitions were signed here state-side to bring (not only Xenoblade Chronicles) but 2 other titles Pandoras Tower, and The Last Story to the Wii/North American audiences. It was a success and all 3 titles in the very end/holidays of 2011 were localized - it took me another 9 months (wasnt until 2012) that I was able to find a "NEW" Gamestop Exclusive Xenoblade Chronicles and finally after what felt like a multi-year wait for the title, to take it home and play it. I put 232 hours and it was one of the best titles that I had played in recent years.
Although with gaming (like music/television/literature/film) its all subjective merely opinion, that said my opinion is its one of the modern day classics and reasons enough to own (at the time) a Wii (as if Resident Evil 4, or Mario Galaxy/2 wasnt enough) along with those other two localized titles mentioned above The Last Story and Pandoras Tower. I had something like 51 (give or take) physical wii-titles in my collection and Xenoblade was one of the last (and best) of that 7th gen console. Of course I had hyped the title for nearly 2 years before I actually owned it, talked about with friends (to the point where they wanted it too) looking at every 4.5/5 , or 9.5/10 review I could find...gamespot praised the original Chronicles saying "it would be a shame that such a high quality lengthy JRPG may never find its way to NA shores considering the Wii is in desperate need of such a title, in the coming decade with all eyes on western style rpgs ,Monolith Soft proves that JRPG are not only dead but thriving" that was one of the 80 comments from 4 reviews that praised the original. Soon a I heard (back in 2013, nearly 2 years ago) and 4 years in development that "X" would be coming out for the Wii U in full 1080p splendor I was not only excited that (it would be done right) and released not only Japan/Europe, but Region 1 as well when the time came, and localization was done - it was done right not to sound redundant. Big open world JRPG done by the exact same team as the previous Xenoblade (and a guy who has been in the industry for nearly 25 years and spent the last 19 working on rpgs and perfecting the genre) he (Takahashi) had recently said (last year - right before the game was finished in November 2014) that he had finally made an HD game that could wow gamers, and incorporate his long-running idea of "humans and robots living alongside each other" X obviously is more futuristic then the original Chronicles but then again its not a sequel - as said above the term spiritual successor has been thrown around.
I'm actually quite surprised that X hasnt received as much attention and "pre-release hype" as some of the other bigger titles released (such as Witcher 3, or Fallout 4) it could be for a few reasons I suspect but personally I dont care (its also why I rarely read comments in the comments section after reading an article) Simply because its either negative (and I just dont wanna hear/see it) not to say people arent entitled to their opinion cause they are, but I have such a bias about this game that any negative feedback I would have to resort to a pissing contest with them "oh what games DO YOU consider good? if this is crap in your opinion then what are you playing that is so damn good? cause personally I cant think of a bigger more enjoyable title then the original" its up there on my top 5 list easily - was it a perfect game ? of course now Shulks head looked like a easter egg, and some of the voice acting was laughable at best, and sometimes the games geometry and the exploration/compass wouldnt take into account certain aspects of the games world when going from one location to the next - I could find fault in a few things, but thats ANY game. Outside of a few hiccups the game was amazing and I expect with full confidence that X will be as well. Happy holidays I say.
@sargentpsgamer: more like who cares, its a system enjoy it on whatever you enjoy it on - i buy them all so um i can enjoy any exclusive or AAA title on any platform (PC, wii u, 360, ps4, even the handhelds) makes it alot easier, you can own any title from any platform :)
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