The Wii is winning wut? Sales? Hahahaha, who pays attention to sales? the Wii has been loosing in pretty much everything except in the platforming games, thats pretty much it.
I had NO idea this many people hated KZ2. I thought it was great and very fun online, heck I still play it online like once or twice a week and there still lots of games in the sever list to choose from. KZ2 is not dead, people here just be trolling. The controls are fine, a little wierd at first but like a true gamer I just kept playing and after 2 hours (becuz of the different weapons) I had them down, 1.5+ years later and I have no problems with the controlls.
[QUOTE="J-WOW"]Weak arguement TC? throwing in multiplats and DL games? weak....................... And RDR looked fine on the PS3, lol @ you fooling your self thinking the 360 got the "superior" version.Ravensmash
But in an argument between the two consoles, why shouldn't ME2 count? We're not talking about PC here, or Wii - we're looking at what great games the consoles have got this year. Becuz ME2 is MULTIPLAT and therefore it doesnt exsist, I thought we all knew this?
Well the ps3 does support KB so if MOVE + KB for an RTS would be better than KB+mouse. BUT heck what do I know, I dont game on PC's and I've never played an RTS
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