I really wish devs would actually take advantage of the PC and not just make all three versions or four if Wii is involved terrible.
I will start.
Dragon Age
Crysis (its looking like it, but have to wait to see how bad the SP is)
Deux Ex (Invisible War) I wish that game was invisible.
COD 1-2 good, then the wheels fell off and careened off of a cliff.
Elderscrolls series. Remember Morrowind? It became mainstream andnow look at the series.
Rainbow Six. It used to be a tactical game where using your brian was required. Now the tutorial is just every single Rambo movie.
Feel free to add any other games, and will update the list.
Dragon Age was AAA while on consoles
It's too early to tell about Crysis
The consolization isn't what hurt Deus Ex
COD got pleanty of console AAA scores
Did you seriously imply that Oblivion was a bad game?
Rainbow Six also got a AAA score on a console
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