Then you suck at life, not my, or id's, problem.Inconsistancy
Obviously, I mean it's not as if they developed a game entirely for console, which launched with practically no graphics options for the PC. It's not as if they hyped megatextures to be the next coming of christ when in reality all they did was make the game file about 15GB larger than it needed to be. It's not as if there are literally thousands of forums in which people have tried in vain the fix the plethora of glitches and bugs in the game.
It's not like Carmack admitted he doesn't think PC is the best platform for playing games, or that he blamed the bugs due to his own lack of effort on the PC version entirely on the shoulders of Nvidia or AMD.
No, clearly it's my fault and id have released a well optimized, quality piece of software for the PC.
It clearly is. The biggest issue was the texture cache, which was fixed by players(text file!) and then id with their large texture cache patch. And I already covered that. Cry a damn river. Carmack has said it was a mistake to focus on consoles anyway.
I remember complaints about animations, but this was AMD's drivers being broken. So id in one patch disabled one, then in a later one, re-enabled them, once AMD had their crap together.
The launch was sloppy, but if you can't figure out how to get the game working now, you need to just step away from the computer and find a hobby that requires less active brain cells.
I did apply all the fixes, including adding the cache file and trying numerous different config alterations, none of which completely solved the problem. Carmack can say whatever he wants but he knew he was selling garbage on launch day and he only says he regrets focusing on consoles to save face. The only question I have is why are you acting as an apologist for a guy who gimped the base he built his success off? Seriously, look up shoddy console port in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of RAGE.
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