Microsoft doesn't need to make exclusives besides Halo, Gears and Forza because that's all they need. They have the best third party support and they brought in casuals, at least they know what they are doing unlike Sony and the sales show.
Why the hell would you look for core games on the Move when you already have an extensive library of core games on the PS3? Also Microsoft would've been better off never making Kinect? It's made them hella money. I wouldn't say the Move is useless if it at least did that, but no it doesn't have games or the huge commercial success.
The difference is that Sony is treating their motion controls exactly how they should be treated. Secondary to everything else. Sony makes a core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Sony goes and makes another core game designed around the DualShock 3, and they throw in Move support as an OPTION. Move is there as an OPTION for people who like motion controls. They aren't wasting their time creating a bunch of Move only games, Move isn't holding them back at all. They're doing what they're doing and throwing Move implementation into games that they see fit. It's exactly the amount of attention motion controls deserve, they deserve to be treated as secondary and the option is there for the people who want them.
Kinect on the other hand is Microsoft's main focus now. They're taking in-house 1st party studios and putting them exclusively on Kinect development, making Kinect-only games. No option for a 360 controller here, it's all Kinect, all day every day. People say Microsoft has gone 100% casual, and they're right. While Sony is treating motion controls as a secondary option with no focus on it whatsoever, they are Microsoft's entire focus. Sony doesn't even skip a beat because of motion controls/Move, they just tack it on to what was already a game being released with DualShock 3 controls.
Massive facepalm, nothing more nothing less.
Did you see the MS press conferences at E3 in the last few years? Most of what he said about Kinect is 100% correct. However if Move had sold as good as Kinect Sony would be doing the same casualization crap, he is wrong is his idea that Sony is somehow more loyal to core gamers than MS.
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