Cool thanks for the info :D . I was just unsure. BFBC2 is just out of this world! Although there are a lot more campers than i expected in this kind of action packed gameplay.The map packs are already on the disk. They just unlock. HERE
JM_MUFC's forum posts
So i got BFBC2 today with the VIP code, when started up i went over to the store and entered the VIP code and the 'Multiplayer Update 2' started to download. It was 500mb so does it contain map packs 1-3 in it or do i have to download them additionally?
Experience isnt the be all and end all though i find it unfair to lose out on your exp just because you have idiots on your team messing around on warthogs and crashing it into walls for some kind of comic effect. And i was online at like 3 in the afternoon and there was 3500 players in team slayer... wow that is really hundreds of thousands. Also you can only play like 3 game modes if you dont have ALL the DLC's, at least COD games you can still play all the game modes even if you havent paid an extra £10 on top of a £40 game.There are hundreds of thousands of players on line a day. It's not empty but some playlist aren't as popular as others and the game is less populated at extremes hours but even then there are nearly one hundred thousands players online at those times.
And you're seriously saying the matchmaking is bad just because you only get experience for winning?
You wouldn't know good gaming if it hit you in the face. fun =//= experience points.
In that case you must think Team Fortress 2 is the worst game ever. There are no ranks or experience.
Also can anyone download the demo or is it just for pre-order-ers only (is it still available to download at all?).
So for the first time i actually went to play a game of matchmaking on halo 3 for reasons unknown. First of all when you go on it is almost empty which i found to be strange considering odst uses the same servers (right?). But once you finally get into a game i found you only get exp when your team wins so no matter how well you do as an individual if your team mates are messing around you wont get any exp at all...
This is just fail and one of the worst online experiences i have encountered...
Its voila, you pronounce it wallah but its spelt voila. Its a french term used for saying 'there' or 'there you go!'have you never heard the term wallah used to describe something magically appearing etc? Maybe you should add to your vocab bro, and then maybe you will understand "Arabic" (English) better. Oh by the way, I might have mis-spelled the word, but I think most everyone who has an iq above 35 understands what I was trying to say.
Well if he's not there at all then just wait a minute and they'll come running over from wherever they are, be it the house or the barn... If they are there like in your pic just shoot at him or reload a previous autosave.Now, I know many people have had this problem with a message coming up, saying Jack is away, even though you turn up in the right time period. I have heard people say that this can be fixed by sleeping - didn't work for me, or leaving town and returning - didn't work for me.
Oh yeah... I also happened to be staring at the boy while it tells me he is away. (see image on link)
Anybody got a sure-fire method of fixing this problem yet or do I just have to leave my xbox for a while?
Be careful if you buy on eBay. A lot of fakes on there. It would be better if you could buy from a retailer.....although, I don't think the 60GB was ever sold separately. IDK. I could be wrong. Do a google search and see what you find.x-2tha-zThe only one in a retailer i can see is this: Although i dont want any of the extra crap...
Yeah! Gears of War III. :twisted:
Checked into this gs has it april 2011 told yall its not this year..
yeah but i saidwhat a real treat we are in for this year and 2011!
I've had a Xbox 360 Pro for 3 years and as you should know it originally came with a 20gb hard drive. It is still the hardrive i am using today but by now i am extremely restricted on space to save stuff. I have 2gb free and all i have on it currently is all my saved games, TLAD DLC and the stimulus map pack. MEaning i can only fit one Demo on at a time and cant play any of the cool arcade games available at the marketplace.
Does anyone know where i could buy a cheap (official) 60gb hard drive with transfer cables? (i am in the uk).
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