I dont get this. Is this for technical limitations on consoles? Or an arbitrary cap of some sort. Either way, even if you could only load in the limited amount they have capped you at, why cant you store more then the limit on the hard drive in mods that arent loaded? Either way I play on PC, and never been that big into mods. Generally hugely over rated garbage. Most suck, unless its a texture, or ENB of some sort.
I was kinda like WTF when I first heard about this, but thinking about it, this is a great move for Nintendo. I havent bought one of their consoles since GC because they just dont have enough games for them. But I have bought a handheld here and there. Ive also kinda felt Nintendo should get out of the console business. This kinda solves both those issues. So, yea if this is in a good price range, or maybe wait for a price drop I will probably actually buy one! This is actually an amazing business decision on their part, and really something only they were in a position to do!
Is he actually a interesting char? Doesnt seem like it. And didnt seem like it in Jessica Jones....Jessica Jones was pretty awful. They nailed Daredevil, so I dont know check out the first episode I guess.
JRD1912's comments