The whole backlash and over-reacting about D3 is just obnoxious. The game has not been in development for 10 years. All games have bugs, esp when you have millions of people purposely trying to exploit every possible thing they can find. Im mind blown!? Really someone tried to use 2 spells at the same time at the start of a cut scene and no one caught that?! I would assume thats the first thing everyone tried to do. Get over it software and hardware are CONSTANTLY evolving. Get off you high horse, quit judging in hindsight something you were not even involved in making.
While her idea on its own is not that big of a deal, it reflects a really ugly trend. Shoving in BS or dumbing down games to appeal to more people. If your skipping the combat WTF are you playing the game for? I really cant fathom anyone who is willing to pay $60 to watch the cut scenes, or make a few dialogue choices. Make a interactive movie game for those people. I sure as hell dont want those values influencing the outcome of the product. It WASTES time, space, and resources which obviously could be put to better use. This whole mass market appeal thing has become so tacky and sleazy. Have a vision and run with it, stop looking at the $ on a stick.
Anything that you take time to do, and express is a form of art, thou alot of shy ppl dont even express their stuff. So when you get down to it, anything you take pride in, and enjoy doing at some point is art to someone.
"There is no definition for art because definitions are facts, and art is a concept; when something is just a concept you get opinions, which are not facts." Definations are based on assumptions which easily change with the times, are completly unproven, or assumed to be correct do to math, which change as well. Art=creation so therefore in a fashion art is everything. To me, art is creation, and art is pashion. So if you do it right, everything is a form of art.
Its quite OBVIOUSLY art, everyone has their OPINION on what games are, what they arent, and what they should be. Its a CREATIVE PROCESS, therefore ART, PERIOD. Anything created out of wishful thinking of the mind is art in some fashion.
JRD1912's comments