@CP2077 @LucentWolf @nameaprice "8GB of Graphics ram" You prob understand, but when you phrase it as graphics ram its misleading. You do know that its UNIFIED ram right? Thats 8gigs for the CPU and GPU, which is mostly 7-6 gigs as 1-2 gigs is reserved for the OS.
Its basically saying your GPU has no memory and its just shares the memory pool with the CPU.
@CP2077 8Gigs which prob includes 1-2 gigs taken by the OS. 8 gigs really doesnt mean anything other then they have enough. It doesnt really say anything over PCs, just saying.
@LukeWesty @jsmoke03 They didnt give specs. Most likely the PS4 will be a high mid tier settings vs PC. There has never been a console that out does a top end PC.
I was a pro MS fan due to their choice in hardware and being dev friendly. So glad to actually see Sony not going out of their way to shoot them self in the foot making sticking some PoS hardware in like the Cell. Stuff like that and vector units/4 meg GPU on the PS2 just pissed me off.
Some interesting stuff. Deep Down looked really good. Hope that was in real time. Though looked way too good to be.
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