@Atzenkiller: These people aren't interested in solving problems, only virtue-signaling to justify their own paychecks. As long as the core issues remain unresolved, they'll just latch on to the next big thing that attracts the masses (probably VR) and declare it a problem that requires government intervention.
@joalopes: And hobby/entertainment addiction itself is only a symptom of a larger problem. It is often a response to unhappy circumstances beyond the individual's control.
As usual, these people look at symptoms and not underlying problems. And I wonder if these guys would consider 60 hour work weeks and only two week annual vacations a detriment to health? Didn't think so.
Make real life worth living, and you'll see people living more balanced lives real fast.
This is a thinly veiled swipe at EA. The Battlefront 2 fiasco opened the door wide enough for other publishers to go on the offensive and compete for the market share that EA is losing. It's a sign that EA finally miscalculated what the market would be willing to tolerate in the pursuit of profit. Expect this counter-movement in the industry to grow in strength.
@Kezzy123: Yeah, we need to invest - in critical thinking skills. If we did that, the media wouldn't even think of trying to push stuff that's already been debunked. It's agonizing to watch how easily some people are taken in by false narratives, which ironically makes it easier for Russia or other countries to manipulate public opinion. Our faith in news has been completely shattered, and our own media is responsible for that, not Russia.
@straightcur: And we do the same thing to other countries. Such hypocrisy. "Accuse the enemy of doing what you yourself are doing." Classic propaganda tactic. It's called deflection.
JRLennis' comments