I'm sure that Sansa suspected Littlefinger of many things, especially after witnessing the death of her aunt at his hands. She got the truth she was seeking when Bran unexpectedly returned to Winterfell and revealed to her his powers. What happened after that is a bit vague, but the end result is that Sansa came to learn enough to interrogate Littlefinger in front of dozens of armed men. The way Littlefinger reacted to this confirmed his guilt to everyone present, giving Arya the justification for executing him.
@Artwark: A CT remake needs to be grand in scope, combining classic gameplay with the kind of production values seen in a mainline Final Fantasy title. It deserves no less than that.
The last time Square-Enix outsourced a significant portion of development, the result was alpha Final Fantasy 14.
It's no surprise that Square-Enix decided to internalize the project. What IS surprising is that they decided to outsource at all. What were they thinking? Either they have the budget to make the game or they don't.
Anyone who knows Rockstar knows that their games take a long time to make and end up being extremely profitable. No way the stock price was going to stay down for long. I'm sure the smart investors hunkered down to endure the brief selloff and then bought more shares at the lower price.
I don't have a problem with taking the series in a new direction. After seven mainline games and assorted expansions, Koei has done everything it can with the old formula. I know everyone wants to do open-world right now, and not everyone will do it right, but Koei deserves a chance to show what they can do.
And since Koei is remaking the wheel here, a long development cycle is probably a good thing. Rushing it out the door would be a sign of trouble.
JRLennis' comments