@Fiscaldeal I agree that some of the silliness of FF VI wouldn't translate well to 3-D. That said, you can still do a quality 3-D remake as long as you stay true to the spirit of the source material. It's possible to tell the same story while presenting it differently.
I wouldn't call this study conclusive. Not to the extent that common sense has already answered this question. If politicians weren't raising such a fuss there never would have BEEN a study.
I think what Tull is saying is that the people at the top of the studio don't know how to make the movie. I suspect if the reins were given to the younger generation we might actually see a quality production.
There is no "safe" way to make a WoW movie. In order for it to work you have to take some risks and get out of the Hollywood comfort zone. That means you have to get up and actually play the game instead of looking at sales figures and using the same old formula to sell tickets.
I like fan service as much as the next guy, but this is just cruel. There is no indication that Square-Enix intends to remake Final Fantasy VII. Teasing us with Cloud's outfit, on a woman no less, is insulting. I acknowledge that this may be a way to gauge support for an FF7 remake based on how many preorders this game gets, but that is an outside possibility at best.
I'm not surprised the hammer fell on Mattrick. When a company is humiliated as badly as Microsoft has been over the past month, someone has to pay the price. As the public face of X-Box, Mattrick had to be let go to send the message to consumers that the brand was changing directions. Whether that message is genuine remains to be seen.
What's surprising about this news is how quickly Mattrick found a new gig. Was he contemplating the move as a fallback position early on in case the X-Box One went south? Or was the Zynga opening a convenient opportunity to save face when it became clear he was about to lose his job? Seems to me that Zynga and Mattrick were equally desperate, so a surprise deal between them isn't unfathomable.
@SavoyPrime Superman 64 got a 1.3 back when Gamespot was using their earlier grading scale. Compared to other reviews it was actually generous. Electronic Gaming Monthly gave it a 0.5 out of 10, the worst score I've seen for any game ever.
@123whatever Based on other vids I've seen, you'll get the most laughs out of co-op play. Mind you that many of those laughs won't be of the good variety.
Maybe they should have called it Wipeout Simulator. Seeing all of the creative ways you can make your rider suffer gives one a perverse pleasure. It's ridiculous to the point that the game is actually funny. The problem is that the game is only funny to watch, not to play.
I say keep the loopy physics and fix the camera and control problems with a patch. It still won't be a great motorcross game, but at least it will be entertaining with the right mindset.
JRLennis' comments