I wouldn't mind if they delayed the launch of PC for a month or two as a way to combat pirates and get a head start on sales. As long as they do release the game for PC making it a good port as well I will be happy.
I subscribed for two months got a character to lvl 50 and realized there is no end game content and haven't touched the game since. That was over a year ago, would consider going back and do a new character for the story but only when the restrictions are gone and the game really is free to play.
I know there are womens national soccer teams (olympics/world cup) but is there local teams in countries too? I have never heard of it, and besides who the hell watches womens soccer much less wants to play it? Next you're gonna report that nba 2k14 has no wnba players. No one cares, if they did EA would definitely have made a WFifa (or whatever the **** the womens league is) but they know there is no market for that.
@WereCatf In the game Alpha-Protocol your character (male) was kinda raped by an older military chick while you were either drugged or tied down (can't remember exactly....the whole experience was traumatizing, jk). I wasn't offended though, just took it in stride as part of the story.
EDIT- Oops you meant in real life, haha. No never had any experiences like that.
@WereCatf @Jacen22 @be_skeptical No one knows the real figures of rape as more men don't report being raped than women. I wasn't belittling her just saying to deal with or ignore it rather than giving in. The world is not all roses, rainbows, and unicorns ugly shit happens in the world all the time. So because of your hormones should I treat you different than other men? Be kind and lie to you and tell you things you want to hear? I'm not sure where you're headed with that argument.
You don't know what position or where I am and if I had to deal with it in my family or among friends as you are not the only one that has to experience these things for real. don't try to belittle such.
@be_skeptical Turn off the chat and join a good group or guild. I am a guy and have been threatened with rape and my family getting raped by douches(male and female) on the internet. Women are not the only one, why do you care so much what idiots say? This makes it seem like women are too emotional and gets overwhelmed by trolls. It's easy to ignore people, just don't give up so easily and get hurt by everything random people say.
Man do women ever stop complaining. So sick of this bs, I don't care who makes the game as long as it's good. If you don't get hired somewhere you just justify it as "OMG! They didn't hire me because I am a woman!", when probably there were better candidates that were available. It's asinine to think you are the best and need to get hired and if you don't that the fault doesn't lie in you but in others. Get over yourselves and go make your own studio with other females and then refuse to hire guys and see how much we care.
@toddx77 @Jacen22 @sundown19 Yeah I enjoyed Origins more than Skyrim as well. I think people on PC love it because of the mods which is understandable since you can do really cool things with it and adds new elements to gameplay.
Jacen22's comments