Haha, nice move Microsoft. They need some good PR for a change and why not hire a woman now. She screwed up Office and is the perfect heir to the screw-up D. Mattrick. Well done Microsoft way to follow Rutgers lead.
@ghostXzero So a lazy fat guy who doesn't give a shit about himself is the perfect replacement for the role? Only people insecure about how they look judges others who actually strive to better themselves. Grow up.
@BLaverock @Jacen22 I have a those and other emulators on my PC and even have SNES and GB emu on my phone. I can easily play with my xbox controller while on my pc. Why would I shell out $100 to do things I can already do?
Also do you work for them or something cause you are really defending this thing hard and you have a pretty new account.
@BLaverock @Jacen22 Honestly I play android games only when I'm not home or travelling somewhere and my galaxy s3 has a decent screen. I have a console and PC games when I get home.
@Emerald_Scott @bowlingotter For the love of god don't let FF XIII or XIII-2 be the first FF game you play. It will ruin the franchise for you as those games are utter crap in terms of story and characters. You can't go wrong with FF IV, VI, VII (most popular), IX, or X. You can play most of them on an emulator on your phone as well so it's handy.
Last FF I enjoyed was FF XII. Wasn't the last two FF with Lightning really bomb in sales as to what they were expecting? Get a new more interesting main character (male preferably for me) and story with a return to turn base would be great. I haven't even looked forward to or purchased a FF game since FF XII was released.
I almost shit myself when I saw the Vagrant Story pic on the article before reading the title. Had experienced 5 seconds of euphoria until I saw the title. I had almost forgotten about this game but this was every bit as good as FFVII on the PS1 in my book, me and my brother must have played this game atleast 6-8 times from start to finish. Great combat system, awesome boss fights, and story. I really hope Square sees this article and finally listens to the fans of this game, I never pre-order a game but I would pre-order this and if they even made an HD version of VS I would buy that as well. Also where's Legend of the Dragoon at? That was a great game as well.
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