To each his own i guess, the only game out of this list i am prolly going to play is homefront after i see the reviews. Played DA2 at my friends house for a bit and it was poopy compared to DA:O And i already own and beat Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Im pretty sure Rift is an MMO rite? i have never played an MMO, dont see the appeal to it as so many others do.Dragon Age 2
Crysis 2
Shogun 2
Cliffs of Dover
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Magicka Vietnam
Dawn of war 2 Retribution
etc etc
This month will keep me busy for a long time.
Jacen22's forum posts
im pretty sure you cant use a sony ps3 controller on a pc, but you can buy other pc compatible controllers that has the same button layout as a ps3 controller. or you can always purchase the 360 controller that is compatible with the pc, thats wat i did and it works great. i have never played xbox so it was kinda weird at first but it definitly beats mouse and keyboardOk guys so recently I have been playing a couple games I bought on steam, and there are a few that I cant help but feel would be better with a controller.(Assassins Creed, Batman AA)
so anyways, what kind of program would I need for this? Would it work if i just took my wireless ps3 controller and used the charging cord w/ the USB to plug it in to my pc? Or how would I have to do it?
Sorry if this is nooby or has been answered, im just wondering.
Finally!! Thread Put to Rest.
Thanx for all your feedback guys! :D
Everyone should buy, its a great deal for a good game. and its controller enabled, i believe
try to answer with no spoilers plz. but where can i buy gifts and how do i give it to someone?
is it compatible with the 360 controller?I tried out the demo. It was pretty good but you really need the stick controller for this one, the controls are so complicated on the keyboard.
Steam has this game Wings of Prey on sale for $14.99 and IGN has it reviewd at 8.3
I like fighter pilot games so the price is really good. But i just wanted to see if anyone has played it and wat they thought about it before i buy. Is there a main character and/or a storyline?
I got it for free when i bought my sweet *** GTX 480! 8)
And yea its totally worth it graphics are really top notch and story wasnt bad, i personally didnt like the ending and i still think the first one was better.
Maybe everybody should just try it out just once. you know how the saying goes, "Dont knock it till you try it"
Go Forth and Pirateer Mateys!!:P
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