@hatieshorrer @Jag-T1000 I'll explain to the less intelligent. I was trying to say that the 360 sold in 2 reqions and the PS3 sold in 3 regions. And this way it was able to catch up to the 360.
Worldwide is kind of misleading because the 360 only sells in North America and Europe. Where as the PS3 sells in Japan also. Yes you can say that finally the PS3 has outsold the 360 but look how much help it needed.
It would of been cool it they would of used the original 12 street fighter characters.The stage select screen would have Ryu, Ken, E.Honda,Chunli,Blanca, Sangief, Guile & Dahlsim.The four bosses at the end would be Balrog, Vega, Sagat & then Bison. Then it would trully be a 25th aniversary.
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