If they keep waiting for a "significant leap" they are gonna wait a long time.For now all we can do is make the cpu faster and more memory. The graphics will stay the same.Specially when people are only willing to spend $300 on a new system.
Purple is my favorite color! I am obligated to get this for sure! I already have a black one, but ever since the day they showed a purple one at E3 last year I've been wanting one. Thank you Nintendo.
If this was Nintendo,Microsoft or Sony, we would all be mad at them for releasing a new machine every year. Since its apple, everybody's all happy and has their wallets open. We all need to wake up!
Enjoy Comic Con while it last because with rising comic prices, who knows how many more Comic Cons their will be? I just think $4 dollar comics is ridiculous! I stopped buying because of this reason.
Jag-T1000's comments