Jagazaar's forum posts
Shin Megami Tensei 1 & 2 (Japan already has them)
Demon's Crest.
Megaman X 1-3.
Goemon (ie. Legend of the Mystical Ninja) 2-4, + the N64 one.
Off the top of my head, anyway. There's a ton more, mostly that people've already mentioned. Can't understand what all the fuss about Chrono Trigger is though, maybe I'm just cynical, but the game really didn't seem like the 'OMG-BEST-RPG-EVAR-FTW' material everyone keeps ramming down my throat here. And I got all the endings, too. Great music & graphics though.
In all honesty, I'm more keen for 3rd-party offerings than Nintendo's. Sure I love their 1st-party games and all, the Wii entries into their franchises certainly being no exceptions, but I'm keen to see what some of my favourite companies can do using a new play style. For example, someone suggested a Megaman FPS. Could be to the Megaman series what Prime was to Metroid or RE4 was to Resident Evil, who knows?
As for 1st-party though, probably Wii Fit & Mario Kart. The former's already selling like mad over in Japan I hear.
Halo 3.Sir-Marwin105
I hate religious games.
Heray another JRPG out of square how original :|Gh0st_Of_0nyx
The prequel was an Action-RPG. :|
Why do we even bother talking about Australia?
But.....but.....we like us! We're important too!
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