Yeah, I've got it, it's an awesome game. I wouldn't call it the best action/adventure game on the PS2 though. (That honour, in my mind, goes to Okami).
There aren't really any secrets to be found, unless you count the garden on top of the temple. You need a LOT of stamina to get up there, and there's not really much point to it in the first place. You do unlock Hard mode and Time Attack for beating it though, and Hard Time Attack for beating hard.
God of War is fun, but I just feel that Devil May Cry 3 has a lot more replayability (can go back to specific missions and try to S/SS rank them or whatever), and rewards skill as opposed to blind slaughter. In GoW, you can just use a big ol' spell and get yourself a huge-ass hit combo (and probably waste most of the enemies), or just use the same quick-fire attacks over and over. In DMC3, an SSS-rank forbidden>
MGS series:- Highly thought-provoking and sometimes emotional, it's like Kojima builds games around stories rather than the reverse, like most producers.
Disgaea:- Just damned funny. PRINNIES, D00D!!!!!
Okami:- An already stylish and awesome game made even better by a traditional Japanese setting and mythology-heavy story.
Shin Megami Tensei series:- Excellent RPG series with a darker nature than most. No saving the world here, in most of these games, it's already dead. The atmosphere and setting makes these game fairly unique and enjoyable. If you can stand the often brutal difficulty.
Depends what sort of game you're looking for. If you like Strategy RPGs though, I can't recommend Disgaea enough. The main story will take about 40-60 hours, but that's only a small perecentage of what you can do. There's technically infinite dungeons, and it'll take a LOOOOOONG time to build a party good enough to take on the hardest enemy. (Which is level 4000. Goes to 6000 after beating him once.)
Plus it's just damned funny, in a silly kinda way.
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