They said that it uses the Parental Controls, but I doubt they care what you do in the privacy of your own Home. ;)
I'm not sure about that yet dude, but hopefully not, cause I got some great lolicon pics I wanna put up. We're just gonna have to wait until it comes out and we can read thru the online agreement (ya, I know, I hate reading those things too) Seeing as how much Sony hates porn tho I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pull something like that.
Jamh83's forum posts
quick tell me the last good star wars game in the last 5 years? Yeah keep thinkingmfarris2006Let's see: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 + 2 Star Wars: BattleFront 1 + 2
Star Wars: Empire at War
The DVD upscaling part is from an expanded part of the interview where Phil is talking about being more forthcoming about what Sony is doing behind closed doors. Apparently the prevalent attitude in the company is not to announce anything until it's perfect, he disagrees and that's why he threw that out there without a definitive date.I knew about the photo face selection thing, pretty obvious when you look at it with the ps3...
but Phil don't even know when DVD upscaling is coming. =/
when will "playstation home" hit the public? or this is just BS from the net? even though sony patent it, they might not use it! aaahhhh
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