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Jamminjake Blog

Jake's Summer Fiesta!!

Summer is almost here and you know what that means!! Beach, sun, nature, an excuse for being lazy! And of course! So, lets have a countdown to summer!

14 days to go! 2 Weeks!

Pic Of Kat

Katharine McPhee is the most talented singer I have EVER heard. I love her like air. I want to marry her. Anyone who likes her please vote, she is such a talented singer. And she is STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Katherine McPhee

When you were younger what channel #'s..

When you were little what were the channel numbers for the channel itself. This will differ if you've ever moved, or what not.

Nickelodeon - 65 (Iowa), 37 (Connecticut), 35 (Rhode Island)

Disney 27, (Iowa), 39 (Connecticut) 34 (Rhode Island)

Cartoon Network 37, Rhode Island, 36 Rhode Island

PBS 3, RI, 2 RI

Nicktoons N, 117 RI, 1082 RI

Noggin 118, RI, 105 RI

That's all I can remember right now, but I know ther is MORE.

Magic 50!

This is the big 50 and looking back so much has best friend dieing, my grandma dieing, my birthday, good shows to watch. A lot has happened and I am glad you guys were there for me. Thanks - EVERYONE

New Blog.

Well aint's this just purty? lol We now have a more efficent blogging system. Kudos! Anyway, what I came here to "blog" was that I just wrote 3 reviewes of legendary 90's cartoons. Expect more throughout the weekend. I even came up with my own slogan:

This is my word, and I stand by it.

I'll improve that over time, if you have any ideas on "better" ones feel free to post it.:)

Thanks, Jake


My grandma died today with my grandpa holding her hand and singing irish songs. I was there..and had to tell my mother the news.:( Please pray, Please.