I'm fine with no BC, if I want to play old games (which I do frequently) I play them on the system they were designed for. The 360's BC was half-arsed anyway, most of the games are buggy as hell on it.
What I take exception to is this fuckwit implying that we are 'backwards' for wanting to play old games.
And if that isn't what he meant, then he should learn to choose his words more carefully.
@Kickable @JangoF-76 He mercilessly criticises MS and then in the same breath demonstrates that he's perfectly willing to accept their bullshit, and reward them for it by purchasing the console at launch.
It's like writing a 'Meat is Murder' article and then going for a steak dinner.
Well thanks, but I have my 360, my PS3, my PS2 and my existing library of 140+ games so I'll pass on the Xbox One and don't feel like I'll be missing out on much at all.
@gamer20482 @WantYouBad The last thing I want to do right now is defend MS, but your comment about them not allowing free DLC is rubbish. There's plenty of free DLC on Xbox Live. Maybe not for the games you play, but it's there.
JangoF-76's comments