@-Geo @JangoF-76 1. Yes, I'm biased against having a peripheral I'll never use forced on me whilst bumping the price of the console up by £100. Is that wrong?
2. As far as I'm aware comments sections are there for people to express their opinions (however worthless and ill-informed those opinions might be in the eyes of others) - it's not about providing something of 'value'.
3. I expressed my opinion about this particular thing in a calm, non-confrontational (albiet sarcastic) manner. I did not and still am not resorting to petty insults - so perhaps you should look at yourself before telling others to grow up.
4. You can't give a valid critique on a product that you haven't used and isn't even out yet. All you can do is express an opinion based upon the information you've been provided with - which is what I did.
Oh please people, get a grip. You were never gonna get the game for less than the full price, stop acting like they took something away from you. Preordering doesn't give you any special rights, only the guarantee of getting it on release day.
JangoF-76's comments