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#1 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Factor 5 spin machine = "Our Wii engine can do everything that the PS3 can do!"

Sheep go crazy....

What they mean by that, is just like Lair, when you put the game in the disk tray, and boot the console up, the game comes on.

See, it does everything the PS3 can do!evilross

Im pretty sure everyone assume they meant things beside graphics. Perhaps enemies on screen, certain effects, ect. Although I dont doubt the game, whatever it is, will look appealing to most hardcore gamers.

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#2 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Yeah, I remember when I first saw HL2 I was pretty impressed. I would even mention Crysis but to actually get that game running is really expensive....So Im not just talking about good graphix or a robust engine, im talking about squeezing everything a system has to show its true potential. Something F5 almost did with the GC.

Again, Im talking about the console front. If we were talking about the PC market that would be a totally different ball game. Not to mention on the console its much harder (I think, I may be wrong) to actually suprise someone with graphics than it is on a PC.

A PC can do/have alot of things that arent possible on cosole. Granted Valve has put TF2, Portal, HL and pretty much all the episodes on consoles...they dont always translate that well.

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#3 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Factor 5 actually responded to the state of the Wii, they said NO ONE was taking full advantages of what the Wii could do in terms of graphics. Not even SMG. These guys are the best in the industry in terms of technical capabilities. Aside from Epic I can't think of anyone who would be better to do this than them. (Epic doesnt even count though because Reign hates the Wii)


Sorry but no, that would be Valve.

Thats arguable. Valve has done some pretty impressive things, but maybe you could enlighten me on why they are the best. I don't play PC games so I really was referring to the console front.

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#4 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Ya know, I thought after SMG people wouldnt doubt the Wii.

People (Bread or Decide) think that SMG could be done on GC? Well no, it can't. Factor 5 actually worked WITH nintendo on the Gamecube. They helped it come into fruition. So yeah, thats why Rogue Squadron topped off the GC. But also, thats why F5 is such a capable graphical powerhouse dev. (not just grphx engine included)

Factor 5 actually responded to the state of the Wii, they said NO ONE was taking full advantages of what the Wii could do in terms of graphics. Not even SMG. These guys are the best in the industry in terms of technical capabilities. Aside from Epic I can't think of anyone who would be better to do this than them. (Epic doesnt even count though because Reign hates the Wii)

These guys even got Rogue Squadron running on a Wii just for kicks. They are that good. In terms of gameplay, I dont know where I stand and I do remain a bit cautious after lair but I will buy it just to support people actually trying. Although, all their other games were very entertaining...

Some quotes from F5:

"Yes. I'm so disappointed knowing exactly what the Wii can do -- and I still think nobody knows it better than we (no pun intended) [laughs]. I really have to say, boy, am I disappointed! They all have finally figured out, five years into the hardware's life cycle, how to do at least basic shaders and a rim light, but that's what everybody does. But I still don't see enough bump and normal-mapping, if any. I still don't see enough post effects, although you would have insane fill-rates with Wii. I don't see any of that. I was digging out Rebel Strike the other day and was looking at it, and we had some people who were visiting ask, "Why isn't anybody else doing this on Wii?" And I am at a loss. I really am."

"We want to push the hardware. I think for us it's relatively easy for us to push the hardware. It inherently comes. But a lot of it is about exploiting the uniqueness of the Wii. I mean, on the graphical side, we're going to try and do everything to outdo everything else on the platform, the same as we did for the Star Wars games back on the GameCube,"

"Whatever we're working on will at least blow you away in a lot of the technical aspects. We're really trying to do everything to squeeze the maximum out of the machine,"

After seeing what they've done, I really have a hard time believing they wont deliver in terms of pushing the Wii. I was amazed at Galaxy and I cant wait to see what else the Wii can do.

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#5 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

"But the biggest milestone or mark right now is that we're almost done with the engine and it does everything that the PS3 did and then some, quite frankly. So we're pretty happy with that."

That has me interested...This game is on my watch list.

So far the only Wii games that interest me are Brawl, Okami, and This.

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#6 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts
Wait until next month. Smash Bros will own your life. I still play melee regularly. Smash Bros is fun for casuals but even better for the hardcore. You have no idea how deep Melee was/is....its ridiculous. So many ADV. techniques.
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#7 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

I think it looks good..tmntPunchout

Are you an SF fan, or just some random passer-by?

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#8 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Ugh. Ryu and Ken look ruined. SF3 will always be the best. I have no problem with 3D, I just knew something like this would happen if they tried it.

Ryu and Ken look like retarded monkeys with Jay Lenos chin.

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#9 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Yeah. The models look ridiculous and lame. I know SF character were always ripped but this looks disgusting. Why does Ryu look like a monkey? And he has "The Tick's" chin to boot!!!

Also chun-li looks manly. Her hands could palm a beach ball.

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#10 Japanese_Monk
Member since 2006 • 1412 Posts

Wii is last gen graphics wise


I havent seen a game that looks as good/better than SMG on last gen consoles.