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JasonQuigley Blog

My New Book: Jason Quigley's Guide To Love, Life, Friendship and CHEESE!

For those of you who don't already know, I am NOT Jason Quigley. Jason is a fictional character I created over a year ago in a short story I had to write for school. I liked the character so much that I wrote a novel last summer based on his antics which coincidentally were all events which happened to me or someone I knew. Unfortunately, the other characters in the book were annoying, boring, underdeveloped and too perfect. I have spent the whole last year fine tuning the characters by developing them in my school essays. All my essays used the same characters, Jason obviously being my lead. He had many supporting characters, but only four of them made the cut in the new book: Austin Leech, Amy 'with a y' Newman, Amie 'with an ie' Smith and Kira Nolan. I then developed several other characters to use in the book, who include Kev O'Hara, Chris Ryan, Vicky Williams, Jack Sullivan, Sophie O'Brien and Mark Burton. The new book 'Jason Quigley's Guide To Love, Life, Friendship and CHEESE' will focus mostly on the relationship between Jason and Amy 'with a y.' The novel is a humourous piece of fiction based on actual events, although exaggerated slightly. I will post more news on the novel, as I write more of it.

My New Wheels!

I bought a new mountain bike today, it set me back 175 quid, but it was worth it, she's beautiful, I decided to call her Storm, because that's what is written on her, but also because she's blue. It's great, it's got over thirty gears and I've never gone higher than 13, I don't know why they put the other 17+ on there, I don't know anyone who uses over 13.

Customer Killed At Work Today In Freak Accident!!!

It started off as a regular day, got into work and was sent to the stockroom to start loading drinks onto the shelves. this brought me up to lunch, which was also quite normal, myself and Finn were joined in the Canteen by some of our new friends Graham, Ian and Eoin. As lunch finished I made a pit stop at the toilet and as I was leaving a poor guy who had just started working an hour previous ran into the toilet and puked his ring up all over the floor before making it to the toilet. I felt sorry for him, but once he was out of earshot myself and Finn couldn't help but laugh. Does that make us terrible people? Probably, but we don't care. Anyway back to the floor and again yet another dreaded Face Off, although today was more enjoyable because I was getting to know people better, like Christian, Barrie, Eoin, Eamonn, Jay, Colin and several others. Over fifty people started work this week in the store and all us newbies have bonded well and nobody has been left out, well nobody worth mentioning anyway. After the face off, I had another short break and after that myself, Barrie, Christian and Eoin were sent stocking the detergent aisle. It was quite easy with all four of us working, although now my hands smell too clean for how they actually look. When 7 o'clock reached I was finished and went home. Obviously no customers were killed or injured in any way, I just thought if I put up a catchy headline if more people would read this post. It was purely out of interest to see if it would work so if you did read it just enter a short (or long) comment so I can see if my theory works.

Day Number Two - A Humourous Tale Full Of Twists, Turns and Loop The Loops

Overall, it wasn't as bad as the first. When I went in in the morning, they made me shave my goatee, because I was working on the shop floor, so I was majorly pissed with this. Then I found out that none of the new staff were getting lockers yet, because there wasn't enough. I managed to get over this, but then I get sent down to the shop floor and the manager sent me working straight away, even though I didn't know where anything was, but I figured it out quick enough. Unfortunately my old school french teacher was in the store doing her shopping and I absolutely hated her from school. She had spent six months telling me I was going to fail french if I didn't drop to a pass level, but I stayed in honours and got a C in my exam, which showed her. Anyway I had to be nice to her since she was a customer. After an hour of working they sent me and some of the others on a tea break even though we weren't scheduled to have one. When I returned I was thrown in at the deep end. I was sent working with one of the other guys stocking the juice shelves, but he got called to do something else, so I had to the juice on my own. While I was I was coming out of the stock room with the juice pallet, I ran into yet another teacher, this time my English teacher who happened to be my favourite teacher and I had a conversation with him. I thought it was ironic that I met both my least favourite teacher and my favourite teacher on my first day of work. After I finished stocking the juice, which took three hours I took my lunch break. I met Finn at lunch. He's working at a different department in the store so that's cool. After lunch it was back to work and unfortunately i returned from my lunch at two o'clock which was just in time for the face off. For those of you who don't know, a face off is when all the staff on the floor run around the store turning every single product facing front on the shelf and bringing it forward. This is done to make the customer feel welcome. i believe it's a waste of time, because the customers manage to mess it up as you go along by moving stuff. After an hour of this I was given a decent job, stocking the biscuits. I even got to use the step ladder to do this and I got help this from another new guy called Eamonn. We had a laugh at the fact there were such things as diet biscuits. If you're on a diet, don't eat biscuits at all obviously and what was even more hilarious was that most of these diet biscuits were manufactured by weight watchers. What are the bets that they're actually more fattening than regular biscuits so that the weight watchers meetings start filling up because people can't figure out why they're putting on the pounds? So I was taking a toilet break and on my way back who do I run into but Amy, an old friend from school who I hadn't seen in months. Turns out she's working there too. Always nice to see a friendly face at work and you can't get a friendlier face then Amy, she'll smile at you even when she's angry with you. It's hilarious. Anyway then it was back to the biscuit stocking with Eamonn. I never realised how much biscuits people eat and how long it takes them to decide what they want. One woman stood there for an hour looking at the biscuits and then in the end decided she didn't want any. Finally 5 o'clock hits and I can go home, quite happy with how the afternoon had gone, much better than the morning anyway. So I'm heading off and I check the roster for next week and surprise surprise I'm working Monday when double new LOST is on (insert sigh here)! I'll have to tape it. At least I have Tuesday off so I can stay up late to watch it. Leave work, the bus arrives when I'm leaving work, I'm at the other end of the bus route within twenty minutes. Delighted with this timing I decide to treat myself to a bottle of Pepsi in the newsagents and while I'm at the cash register I decide to try my luck on a scratch card and guess what?.........................................................................................................I won four euro, which I ended up spending on another scratch card (I won nothing this time) and a bag of chips or fries as you Americans call them. THE END or is it? Yeah it really is THE END!

First Day on the New Job.

To describe it in one word: YAWN! I'm ready to hand in my letter of resignation and I've only worked a day. Now I have to spend 8 hours tomorrow and 9 hours on Sunday doing a stockcheck. I hope I have Monday off or else I'll have to watch the 'LOST' double bill (two new episodes) on the video. At least my pay is good, but I've already started looking for a new job. I'm bored just talking about it. Gotta go.

Strange Day!

I had a really weird day today. First off I woke at 8am an ungodly hour and had to get the bus down to the doctor's surgery to have my foot examined as it still hadn't healed. On the way I stopped off at the shop and bought a couple of new CD's. The doctor sent me to the hospital to get the foot x-rayed. At the hospital I had to wait in the waiting room for ages and met a right weirdo. He was drunk and asleep on the bench in the waiting room. When the doctor called out his name, she called him Johnny Cash and I couldn't help laugh at how gullable they all must have been there to fall for that name. Anyway when he returned to the waiting room several minutes later he tried striking a conversation with me, even though I was listening to my discman. Thankfully I was called out by the doctor and didn't have to talk to him. To cut a long story short, my foot was x-rayed, I have a hair fracture and have to wear some stupid big sock on my foot for ten days. It's unnoticeable though thankfully. Anyway I get on the bus and realise that one of my CD's is the wrong CD in the box and I had to go back to the record store to have it changed. Then I'm waiting for another bus and I nearly throw up because a woman arrives at the bus stop with a massive beard or else a man with a beard arrived wearing a woman's dress who also had breasts. Then I get home and I get a call saying I've got a job and I start tomorrow. Very weird indeed.

Picture Crazy!!!

Just figured out how to post pictures and had to try it out. Here's a couple of pictures of me and some of my friends. Here's one of me, taken about a year ago. My hair's a lot shorter now.  This is Finn and his hair used to be a lot longer. I've known him for six years now and you couldn't meet a more caring guy.  This is Aidan Williams and Fiona. I've known Fiona for over two years, even though I've been in school with her for six. It's a very big school and I had never really talked to her until about two years ago. I've only known Aidan for about eight months, he's Fiona's on/off boyfriend and me and Aidan are the only two on our group that are willing to walk six or seven miles for a shoulder of vodka.  This is Matt. He's crazy. I remember the first day I met him he pulled a big chunk of hair out of his head. I've known him for six years too.  This is Orla. she was also in school with me, but I didn't start talking to her until last year and that was because she was going out with Matt, who have sadly broken up, but me and Orla get on really well, we're really alike, probably because I'm only a day older than her.  This is Conor. I've known him longer than anybody. We grew up together. I've known him for about fifteen years.  This is Sam and Mia. They've been going out for ages and God help you if you're the third wheel to their party. They never get off each other, but both of them are really good friends of mine.  This is Katie. We were both nominated to be the most likely people to be famous actors and the most likely people to win oscars in the school yearbook. We used to be great friends, but then we fell out, but now we're getting back on track again thankfully.  This is Adam. Everyone loves Adam. He comes out with the weirdest expressions. He makes us all laugh.  This is Sean. He's in a band with Matt, Aidan and Conor called 'Legion'. We predict they're going to be big. Sean is the klutzy one in our group and gets drunk so easily.  And this is Alison. I know Alison through Fiona, Orla and Katie and we've only really gotten to know each other recently, but we're almost completely alike. We like the same music, tv shows, food, drink and movies.  There are a few others in the group, that I'll get some pictures of some other time, but i was too lazy to find any right now. Anyway there names are Juliette, Aidan Summerville, Niall Bailey, Ornat and Muireann. They're all also good friends I just wasn't bothered finding the pictures. Now that you know most of my gang, you'll be able to picture my stories involving them better. There are some good ones, but that's for another day...


I don't think I've ever been in love, but I think I have fallen in love. I havn't been able to stop thinking about this girl and it's only been a few hours since I last saw her. I don't know wheteher I should let her know how I feel or not, because she's such a good friend to begin with and I don't want to mess that up. The vibe I'm getting is that she likes me back, but I can't be sure and I've been wrong about the sign with other girls many times, but as I already said, this does feel different. We have so much in common, but at the same time we can argue about things aswell, which as I know from watching other successful couples being able to have a friendly argument every now and then is important. It as only yesterday we were arguing over whether 'Lost' or 'Desperate Housewives' was the best show on TV right now. I was backing 'Lost' and she stuck with 'Desperate Housewives.' In the end we agreed to disagree since we both like the two shows anyway, but I really am confused as to what I should do. I've never been any good with relationships, I've never had a serious girlfriend, my longest relationship lasted three weeks and I really want to take a good shot this time, therefore I don't want to f**k it up before it even begins. Does anyone out there have any advice they can share with me, I'd really appreciate some help on this one and the only friends that can give me advice at home are also friends with the same girl and I'm not sure letting them know is a good idea. Any advice will be gratefully accepted.

One Hysterically Wild Weekend (A Short Biographical Story)

This story is an actual account of a weekend i spent with some friends and was written by me Cian Raymond Joseph 'Cornflake' Taaffe the first and anyone who reads it deserves a cookie. I guarantee it will be humorous even though it is quite long, if you have a few minutes, read it and leave your comments with me. I call it 'Weekend Of The Livng Idiots!' or as the french say 'Le Weekend de la Weirdos!' Just had the craziest weekend ever. Woke up friday morning at 8.00 and made my way into the city centre, where I was to meet some of my friends. We were heading up to Donegal for Matt's eighteenth birthday to his house up there. Supplied with cheap food and quality boos, we hopped on the bus, where we would embark on a six hour journey. In total there were thirteen of us, eight guys, five girls. Adam, Katie, Juliette, Mia and Sam could not join us for various reasons which put a slight dampener on the excursion, but we soon forget are missing compadres as we had a crazy bus journey which was mostly used to take cheap shots at Fiona's Dead Overweight Cat, Fluffy. It was at this point that I revealed the story of how my pet goldfish, George, had died several years previous. This humorous anicdote lightened the mood and everyone laughed hysterically for about an hour. After departing the bus it was an hour walk to the house on a winding country road. Aidan Summerville played guitar, while Fiona complained about how badly she needed the toilet as Ornat fell in the ditch and ruined her trousers. Matt and Connor stayed to the front, while myself, Alison, Aidan Williams, Fiona, Aidan Summerville and Bailey took the rear. Ornat, Sean, Orla, Finn and Muireann kept a steady pace somewhere in the middle. About halfway to the house my injured foot became blindingly painful under the weight of my stuff and Aidan Williams ended up carrying my bag to the house. Some of us were forced to stop while Fiona went to some random house asking to use the toilet. It was at this point we came up with the Donegal Toothpick Massacre idea. The theory we had was that since the house was out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a murderous bog, a deadly cliff, a killing road and the sinister pet goat Malachai, this would be the perfect setting for a killing spree. We also decided that Alison would be the murderer, as she is the least likely to do actually kill us and therefore would be the most obvious. Anyway, when we arrived at the house Matt, Aidan Williams and Ornat ventured to the shop in search of milk, while the rest of us stayed behind to pitch the tent the girls wanted to stay in and to cook the dinner, which surprisingly was pasta and cheese are two favorite camping foods. After we ate we began drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol. Once everyone except for Orla and myself were hammered people started drifting into different groups. Fiona and Aidan Williams who have been dating longest went off to some room, the newer couple Ornat and Sean went to some different room and the least likely people to be paired off Muireann and Aidan Summerville occupied a third room. Bailey spent the night smoking many of the 400 cigarettes we found and drinking absense. Conor and Finn were having a heart to heart. Matt and Alison were discussing something unimportant, while myself and Orla had our own unnecessary conversation about how drunk everyone else was. The following morning Fiona woke everyone at 9.00. Finn and Conor cooked a breakfast fit for kings and Aidan Williams made french toast. After breakfast Aidan Williams and I visited the Goat Malachai before venturing to the shop with Conor and Bailey. We bought some stuff and then sat on a bench outside the shop relaxing. It wasn't long before Alison, Sean, Finn, Orla, Fiona and Muireann arrived at the shop. We sat there for a while longer catching some rays before heading to the pub. The four girls went up to the church while us six guys played pool and drank beer. When the girls came back we went to the restaurant where we had cheeseburgers and beer. As we were leaving we got a phone call from Matt saying not to return to the house for at least half an hour which of course made us get back there even faster. Of course it was a set up and nothing was actually going on, but Matt, Aidan Summerville and Ornat made it look as if we had walked in on a threesome. At this point Aidan Williams and I made another trip to the shop for milk and m&m's. Aidan dressed in a giant poncho, a wolly hat and shoeless got many strange looks and it probably didn't help that my t-shirt said "Looking For A Victim." When we returned Finn and I went out to the pub, where we got quite wasted, before Aidan Williams came down to tell us dinner was ready. After dinner Myself, Finn, Orla, Alison, Bailey, Aidan Summerville and Conor played Manhunt. Myslef and Aidan Summerville hid on the roof for the first round, which coincidentally is where I hid for the second and third round. Round four was my turn to be on, along with Alison and Orla, but we were so bad at finding them that they gave up, went inside and left us wandering the streets. Sunday morning at 5.00 am Finn, Orla, Bailey and Muireann left to get the early bus as they all had to be home early. The rest of us woke at 12.00, cleaned the house and went for the next bus ourselves. What everyone else did on the bus, I do not know, myslef and Alison were deep in conversation the entire journey or else we were listening to music for awhile and then discussing it. I quite like her, we have so much in common it's horrifying, but that's a story for another day... I have many pictures of this crazy trip, but I don't know how to post them, if someone could tell me that would be a great help.

The Host

Wow, now I'm a talk show host. I'm going on holidays tomorrow up to Donegal with some friends for the weekend. I can't wait. I was so happy today when I read the TV mag and noticed that there's gonna be two new episodes of LOST aired on Monday night. I hope they show two every week in order to catch up with the states.