I was hoping that the fee flow combat was more Batman than assassins creed. Other than that my concerns for this game seem to have been muted for now. I will most probably be getting this, after I have seen what you gamers who have played it think of it.
@Fartman7998 @Jasper_73 Exactly they are not gamers or developers they are business men. Their only interest is in whats going to sell the most. Like you said they dont realize what made that game popular in the first place. Still hoping the new dragaon age will be good
@Fartman7998 @Jasper_73 Agreed but I dont think that is just the bullying. There is alot of risk in game development. Publishers have been burned before when financing projects that last 3 yrs or more. They have become frightened and want to cater for everybody. That will only work to a certain point. People will get fatigued as I believe they have now. Really those publishers need to grow a pair, and accept that it is a high risk business. Get it right though and the rewards are plain to see.
Totally agree Danny, With so many tastes to cater for in gaming. Publishers need to stop playing it safe and start letting developers make the games that they want, in the same way that musicians, film makers and authors do in their field. That way gamers wont get so annoyed, because their tastes in what ever genre, will most probably be catered for in some form or other.
Thats the problem with multiplayer games in general. Multiplayer games are great for upgrading and loot fests or death matches etc. The best way to deliver deep stories, characters, lore and possibly more varied gameplay is with single player games.
I'll be getting this, but some news on when we might be seeing some sp dlc would be great. I've not heard anything since nov last year, when they said we could expect a 2014 release.
Jasper_73's comments