Chill, dude. IGN said that they'll have their review up by tomorrow morning.
Jau11's forum posts
I'll say Spore. What was hyped as a revolutionary game turned out to be a glorified creature creator.
200+ i dont finish my games, except if the story is very good. It would be easier to list games i have beaten lol.
LOL, I think you classify as a game collector, not a gamer.
As for the number of unplayed games, it's probably around the 40-50 mark. I don't think those last-gen games I neglected will ever get any action from me.
Final Fantasy Tactics. Back then, I didn't have many games to play, so after I finished FFT, I just went back for another 50-100 hours of strategy goodness.
Okay Square-Enix, I want Final Fantasy Tactics characters for the Dissidia sequel! Go Agrias Oaks!
Looks like you and I are the only ones on this thread. Except I want Orlandu!
Layton x Wright >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allCherokee_Jack
What this guy said. The possiblity of Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton doing their signature finger pointing at the same time will be beyond epic.
I did die once while fighting him, where I found out Magic was way too slow to hit him. So I went with Warding + Blueblood Sword + Light Weapon, wore only light armour so I could roll around, and the rest was a piece of cake.
Just bought a pre-owned PSP-3000 from ebay for $AU182.50 that came with 8 games (God of War and Patapon 2 were the only good ones), a couple of movies and a bunch of random accessories. I'll tell you if it's worth it when it arrives. :)
Sure do. I regularly listen to IGN's Podcast Beyond and Game Scoop and they're both hilarious. I've heard great things about Rebel FM, so I might give that a try.
Gears of War. It Must have been a pretty poor year for videogames if GoW won GotY.
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