"Doug Elfman is an award-winning entertainment columnist who lives in Las Vegas"
Haha, the guy's name is Doug Elfman! That says it all really. I would love to know what award this guy won - probably an award for the suckiest reviewer of the century.
This one made me lol:
The annoying thing: As usual with the Wii, you hold one hand controller in your left hand, and another hand controller in your right hand. That's fine.
LOL, me too. Mr Elfman, those 'hand controllers', whatever a hand controller may be (are there foot controllers now?), are called the Wiimote and Nunchuk. Maybe you could try using their actual names instead of inventing your own. I guess PCs suck too since you *gasp* need to use one desk controller with your left hand (keyboard) and another desk controller with your right (mouse). If so, I wonder what you used to write this pile of crap. Maybe you got your nephew Kyle to write it for you. That would explain the level of professionalism in this review.
"But for this game, more than most games, you must point the right-handed wand at the screen for what seems like an eternity, to control a cursor that A) rolls over floating stars (to collect them)"
They're called Star Bits. Stars are the ones you collect at the end of a level. Come on, I'm pretty sure they explain these terms in the manual. You might wanna try reading it next time (seeing as you clearly did not play the game) before you write a review next time. At least then you might sound like you know something about the game.
("Super Mario Galaxy 2" by Nintendo retails for $50 for Wii - Plays pretty fun. Looks very cute. Moderately challenging. Rated "E" for mild cartoon violence. Three and one-half stars out of four.)
All I read before was wand problems and kiddie issues. So now it's pretty fun and a seemingly negative review turns out to be 3.5 out of 4? For an 'adult critic' you sure rated this game highly. In fact, you gave it the same score as your Bioshock 2 review. That's a kiddie game too, right?
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