@ShutUpFanboys @Jecoh The fact that someone is offended by it being called XBONE seems silly to me, what does it matter to you or anyone else? People are funny.
"It makes it sound stupid"
Lol I dont care about that thread or what anyone says unless someone is blatantly spewing fan-boy ignorant hate mongering nonsense about the console I see no reason to take offense to someone saying XBONE XB short for XBOX and ONE big deal makes sense. Even in the event of someone spewing their hate mongering nonsense, who cares why be offended and take it personally what personal emotional attachment do you have to the console or the company who makes it?
@slimskelter You shouldn't let the flaming comments affect your decision. Ultimately these flaming comments come from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo fanatics. Not a single company is without raving lunatics. Just get what you want based on your own personal preference, id base it on the games more than anything else.
@abczby @jrgoalie33 Why are you so defensive lol. You act like you have PTSD. jrgoalie33 only asked a simple question, he never attacked your precious.
@red_city @Jecoh Lol if I tell you, you are right and I am wrong will you be happy? (even though technically I was not wrong. It just seems you will not be content until you can prove me wrong no matter how many hairs you have to split.)
@abczby @liquidzr0 You do realize XBONE is short for XBox One right? I MEAN X.B.ONE.... Its not a "diss" It is just like everything else people shorten its name because people are inherently lazy.
@abczby PC is not a Microsoft platform. Microsoft is not the only company that makes OS's for PC. Lol and why do you care if it is or if it isn't a Microsoft exclusive? If you get a Xbone and you enjoy it good for you. If little Timmy doesn't like Xbone whatever who cares. He plays what he likes, you play what you like. I don't understand this whole championing a single company crap you guys like to do.
@Black_Hand_313 @Jecoh @chaosbrigade Again you are right, it sounds like my original comment was tailor made for you. Oh wait I was talking to the person who said that this was the only game they were excited for in the XB1 lineup. Oh and ya a gaming PC could never be a good investment like a XB1, again I am foolish I am sorry.
@Black_Hand_313 @Jecoh @chaosbrigade You're right might as well just spend $500 for a Xbox One, when this is the only game in the line up you are excited for.
Jecoh's comments