all these posts that say things like let it go Nintendo, or Nintendo will never be as good as Sony or M$... How old are you? where were you when NES and SNES came out? What do you really know about Gaming and its roots? I mean gaming back before it was a fad and everyone did it. I mean now a days its extremely common to be a Gamer, that's why M$ and Sony are in the industry today. Nintendo was there before it was the popular thing. Anyways I own all 3 consoles and I love Nintendo I have been extremely disappointed with my Wii because it was more gimmicky than anything. I just hope that their next console no matter what control scheme ideas they have they give you the option 100% of the time to play with a good ol' controler. I dont wanna be wiggling my wrists or any of that crap while playing zelda.
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