@sacatash Used game sales hurt developers while companies like Gamestop reap the benefits. Plus this has been a rumor for well over long enough to believe there is some truth to it, we have been hearing about the next Sony and Microsoft consoles combating used game sales for a long while now. It sucks but if it helps the industry grow I hate to say it but its probably the right move to make.
@Speed2x @downloadthefile Speed2x, Blaming PC gamers for DRM is extremely ignorant. I have never met a PC gamer who was a fan of DRM. DRM is a product of the industry trying to stop used game sales from hurting developers while companies like Game-stop reap the benefits out from underneath the developers.
@Spartan_418 @TheOnlyConan That is an opinion, not a fact. For some it would be worth it to wait. For others it would not. And then you have the other crowd who will just buy it twice.
@TheOnlyConan @Jecoh @Bane_09 And I can already tell even bothering to speak to you has been a waste of my time. Obviously you are just trolling to try and upset people. Must be a great life you got there. I simply was stating the absurdity of your choice of phrase "Nintendo's track record" If you actually look at said track record in comparison to other consoles further back than just the Wii, I think your whole argument dissolves. Anyways I cannot spare anymore time to feed the trolls today so I will leave you to your own devices, carry on.
@TheOnlyConan @Jecoh I also am a PC player, but I don't need to sit here and belittle those who don't play on PC. Those who play on consoles don't need your pity they enjoy playing they way they play.
@TheOnlyConan I honestly think you are setting yourself up for diapointment. The leap from this Gen to next Gen is not going to be as great as you are thinking. Ya its going to be better obviously but it wont be as big of a difference as you saw when going from PS2 to PS3 or Xbox to Xbox360. Plus if you expect less you tend to be more pleasantly surprised when your expectations are surpassed, expecting so much will only allow you to be satisfied or disapointed.
@ghys_the_great Man I remeber playing Mortal Kombat in my friends garage on his SNES because he was the only one who had it on my block, oh the good-ol-days. Not only were solo campaigns more flushed out back then but games were not afraid to let you fail. Now-a-days every fucking game I play thinks it's got to hold my hand, I have some stupid character constantly reminding me of what to do and repeating it over and over as if I didnt hear it the first time.
@TakoReviews @ghys_the_great Lol I think it's funny (and I am sure I am not the only one.) That everyone online seems to hate COD so much but yet, everyone fucking plays it lol. Its quite humorous.
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