@Dshenlong Yaaa... Sucks but I guess it really doesn't matter how we view it. If its gonna happen, its gonna happen. Not that I think it will happen anytime soon.
@deathblow3 There is most definitely other places that sale games cheaper than steam sometimes. I am not arguing that you just came off as very anti-steam before. I realize that games go on sale on console even if they aren't on sale at target, best buy etc... lol I am a avid deal searcher. I use all different outlets to acquire my games at the lowest price possible. There is a lot of times I find better deals on green man gaming than on steam or any other number of websites. Lol I just realized that I don't care about your argument because I agree with it. I just guess I misunderstood what you were trying to get across originally.
@deathblow3 Lol why are you so anti-steam. No one said that only steam does these sales. All that was said is that PC games on steam go on sale for far more than console games go on sale. Example I could buy any number of games that were selling for 59.99 on consoles last week on steam for 14.99-29.99 those same games that "were not moving units" on consoles were not discounted to nearly the same extent or at all. They did not invent the term sale, they are not the only one's who do sales; but they do in fact do them and they have pretty good ones.
@Strider8009 I do mind wasting money. I never said I rely solely on reviews, and what I do and how I choose to go about making my decisions is frankly none of your concern. The Problem with you is, you can't just say okay you have your own opinion and I respect that. Instead you keep insisting that you and your opinion is the only acceptable answer, and you keep trying to say that the way i do things is wrong and flawed. I don't have a big problem with Digital games, you on the other hand do. As I have said before your opinion is valid; as is mine. Why you feel the need to continue on driving this into the zone of 0 relevance, (How did this become about me and my personal decisions? or what you think about the way I make them?), is beyond me. Anyways I don't think you need to fear just yet. The industry isn't going to drag you kicking and screaming into an all digital age just yet. As you have said there is plenty of people who HAVE to have physical copies for one reason or another. I just personally don't care much either way.
If you cannot accept that I feel differently than you, and that I do things in my own way and they work perfectly fine for me, regardless if you agree with them or not then I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry for ya I suppose. Frankly I am done with this conversation. Because I am perfectly fine with the way I do things and I don't care for your unwavering ignorance towards my opinion.My original point was simply that I didn't think 40$ for a full Digital game whose physical counterpart costs 60$+tax at retail, was bad at all. I stand by that statement.
@Strider8009 @SolidTy Let me get this straight....You are literally telling me that my feelings and opinions are invalid? You are telling me that I am wrong and that I regret buying games that I know for a fact I have not regretted buying? I am so glad that you know me oh so well sir. Maybe the fact that I just don't go out blindly buying games without checking to see if I like them first, through videos, reviews, friends, demos, etc.. Helps me to not make bad decisions when buying games. Sure I have some games that are meh but I paid a damn good price for them, and they were worth more than what I paid for the enjoyment I got out of them. Like I said your opinion is valid but to each their own. Please refrain from trying to tell me about my own experiences with purchasing things because "I have my doubts" that you actually know what you are talking about.
@Strider8009 @SolidTy I have tons of digital games through steam, I don't regret any of them. I don't care that I cant rent them... i never rent games anyways. I don't care that I cant sell them back.... I never do that either. I dont care that I cant take it else where, I play games with others online or I just play story driven single player games that there is no reason for you to take them anywhere anyways. It is a personal problem really, if you just cant handle digital. I mean your opinion is valid if those things bother you, but to each their own they don't bother me at all.
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