LOL. They always try to pull this shit, and blame games after something terrible happens. So Silly. Games are not the issue, some people are just sick. Games just like all other media have a ratings system... this whole thing is .... for lack of a better term, stupid.
@lina_baby_doll Having your own point of view doesn't make you a hater, I like how you tried to turn that around on me. It's like you felt attacked and your defenses all of a sudden sprang up. More people should "Just think" as you put it, but people decide to discredit things they haven't even tried, don't own and all the information they have about these things is gathered from other idiots on the internet just like them, not from first hand experience. I don't recall every explicitly pointing out that I thought you were a hater in my previous post either. I was simply pointing out your flawed logic in assuming that I was a fanboy. I appreciate you telling me to think for myself but I do a fine job of that already, I just wish more people could as well.
@lina_baby_doll Yes, of course. Oh are you calling me a fanboy? Simply because I am not a fickle enough individual to buy something and regret it a year later? Hating on Nintendo has become the new hipster, everyone's doing it. Just because people don't hate on Nintendo does not make them a fanboy, it simply means they can think for themselves and make their own decisions. Just like the decisions I made to buy M$ and $ony consoles. All this hating and bashing people who like something you choose not to like is plain stupid, and all I can say is I am sorry for ya.
@TrueGB @sinn_exit @TheOnlyConan He has a point. If what you think NEXT GEN truly is, amounts to better specs more computing power stronger processing power more ram, prettier graphics.. Well then You could have that right now why wait for M$ and Sony to pre-build a non upgradeable machine for you when you can build your own, that will likely be more capable for what I would assume will be a comparable price to what the new M$ and Sony consoles will cost. Plus it will be upgradeable you wont have to wait 7 years for an advancement and you can still play the games with a xbox controller, or a playstation controller. heck you even have more options for other third party controllers.
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