@max-hit dude, when you look at companies like Sega and the years when they released turn after turd onto the market, why exactly would that deserve respect? Or any other company that released half thought out bullshit and attempted to snatch hard earned money?
Can't say I really have any fond memories of atari, when I was old enough to play games and such (around the late 80s) the nintendo had hit the scene. I remember my cousins owning an atari with a shoebox full of games and I was mostly in a meh sort of mindset. However I do have burning memories of the atari jaguar and the lynx, and at that time was old enough to recognize bullshit when I saw it. I kinda wish I knew the company in it's prime and have the fond memories I usually hear my older cousins speak of, Unfortunately I only know the years where they were the laughing stocks of the gaming industry.
Of course a company is going to fall back on their flagship titles, it's the fastest way to make a buck. Nintendo's problem is that their ace titles are hardly geared towards the generation that grew up with them, I mean hey, some people still like mario even in their 30s and up. However I can't believe that I'd be the only person who wants a more grown up game dealing with more mature subject matter outside of baking cakes, collecting gold coins or some other such triviality.
Nintendo has been a joke for me for years now. Don't get me wrong, I grew up on the nes and super nes. However as I got older, it just seemed like Nintendo failed to grow up with me. Mario game after mario game, or some other cutesy family friendly garbage i had no interest in. Not only game wise have they failed to evolve, but console wise as well. After the N 64 I just couldn''t get behind another nintendo product. I barely noticed the presence and passing of the gamecube, and the wii was the last bit of writing on the wall that let me know that I personally had nothing else in common with Nintendo. Lackluster consoles, predictable and safe game titles... yeah I'm just gonna wait for the next xbox, ps, or whatever steam cooks up on the console front.
while I don't agree with all of their choices, I at least know the garbage that was Ass Creed 3 didn't deserve to even be nominated. Just cause a game can call itself a AAA title doesn't mean it's worthy of such. Just the same as an obscure gem like mark of the ninja can make the list
What you think of as filth, I call a pleasant reminder that games aren't the domain of children exclusively. Many of us have grown up through the gaming ages and tastes change. I don't need another mario game Nintendo stopped being a company I considered buying a console from since the N64. I rather enjoy my violence and adult themes.
That would include everyone in the known world, somewhere at some time, everyone has purchased something that could be considered stupid to someone else. A pair of shoes, a top end video card, tickets to a certain show or movie. If you got the money and you're shelling it out, it's not really stupid is it? and who gives a crap what some random person has to say about it anyway.
Not really, but that's just me, I've not even looked at nintendo as a serious competitor in the gaming industry since the N64 and the glory days of games like golden eye and ocarina of time. Their game system endeavors since that time never appealed to me, the game cube, the wii, all pale in comparison to the competition.
Not even bothered with a hand held system since the gameboy. This is just ridiculous, they cost as much as the consoles do. The idea behind hand held game systems was for them to be supplementary sources of entertainment when you are away from your console, but at these prices... Couple that with the fact that these types of systems rarely see truly solid titles. Always felt like a waste to me, play a game on your phone if you're bored and away from the house, a decent smart phone will probably be cheaper still than this thing.
Why would they? mass effect has about as much in common with star wars as the movie terminator, or aliens does. The real issue with either a movie or tv show of mass effect is that by the time it's made, mass effect will no longer be relevant. Think of the Max Payne movie, which was made years and years after the last game.
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