I'll cry like baby if i play this, i'm a Bowie fan (my fav artist since i was a child) and it's amazing how agressive a cancer can be, you can have all the money in the world but it can still kill you in just a few days like Lemmy from Motörhead. Nice review tho.
This is giving me a massive nostalgia feeling. I need to go back and play a little bit, i haven't touched WoW since 2009 and back then it was getting quite bad and boring, but damn nostalgia it's nostalgia i need this, one last time.
To me WoW was all about the atmosphere. The one that the devs created, and the atmosphere that players created. I will never forget Ironforge filled with people doing all kinds of things, just like i'll never forget Ashenvale and how beautiful but empty of players it was. And well, i'll never forget the fights in the low level towns.
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