This game deserved a 5 IMO. They didn't add any useful stuff. Between the Sims 1 and 2 there was a very big change, and the jump was also big from 2 to 3. Now it feels like a backward "expansion" (it's not even an expansion)
kevin vanord always makes good reviews. And we're living in an era with overhyped videogames, and most of them fail miserably. I'm getting more and more sceptical about what devs and companies say about their games.
@gnookergi @ricardo_tuba don't get so mad, i've been a player since 2005. But now it's too obvious, there are fewer players and Blizzard needed to revive the game with a decent expansion. And this isn't even near decent compared to the past expansions.
There's one big problem with your review: You're new to the series. The last 3 Tropico have been the same, they're only adding little new stuff that an expansion or even a patch could do.
@wizzzer_thy_133 the power of consoles! Crysis was one of the best games ever but thanks to consoles they degraded it into Crysis 2 and 3 and now this horrible game.
JimmyCos' comments