i have dead riseing 2....it pretty hard for one person....no one show up co cp...for few days...one was show up...then stop play with me...i gave up...i sold it..not worth to play dead riseing ...i was in 2-4 case ....one boss in kitches won't be dead.....forget it....i need co cp to help me to kill kitchen boss
i playing fable 5 now...i think to get fable 1,2 ...then wait for red fuction new come out May ?? ...well we hope that DUKEN FOREVER...3d...if it great game...it will champion rate to beat all other game !! 3d duke forever is popular game ever like unreal tourment 2 it so an awsome game , i love it...
SORRY FOR WRONG SPELL...it duken nuke forever 3d.lol..help me with that NAME...
dargon age 2 ...it product by ea's and biowave...i like biowave product very much...unisoft is best product...2k too...i don't have support english on my computer...sorry...i like talk people alot..here alway complain about me...on facebook nobody complain it..they understood very well....
GUYS ..sorry...i got word...publisher ...game development.... march ...most of publisher EA'S. bring new game...dargon 2...development by bioware....i like bioware very much....hope dargon age 2 bring cp co....i hope soo...it help me alot like fable 3...i can't do myself for dargon age one...i did play it...it hard for me without cp co ..
i don't know what game i might want.....i won't buy game publisher EA.S..i don't like EA'S game ..GAME DEVELOPMENT by 2k...unisolf....more.....it not coming for march month...most of EA'S new game..i won't play...it alway low rate popular for EA'S...
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