that is save job for bringwell village 3 in villages and 2 in castle...pretty hard for me to find 2 in castle...or i never find help alot...thank man
you luck one ....i do see GNOMES LOOK LIKE ......i should see gnomes but not there in city and out city...where are 0/6 detroy gnomes...that mean one city with 6 gnomes around city not groups gnomes ??? ...i been ask team work...they not know where is ...oh godness...i will check youtube or walk thur
closed ur mind...i complain with team of gamespot that removed my topic all the time , hurt my points....there is no reason to removed my topic ...whyyyyyy....i already email them...don't worry.....go play game
i will fill suit you for discrimination me....stop removed my topic for no reason...if you removed me again... i will fill out suit you for disimination....i really an angry for removed my topic for no reason....FINISH IT....i work on find phone number and call you for stop removed me...i was talking abt game...why you removed me...
i feel like detroyted your system ..LEAVE ME ALONE...
my english is 2nd lauguage discuss abt it.....i alrady new topic about two game that you show it...wrong put topic talk about fablro 3 long time to finish it..
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