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JoeAsakura Blog

Hard Tour Champ

Along with my excessive playing of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, i've been playing a little of Guitar Hero II in between. I've been practicing a little more as of late, and only 20 minutes ago or so, I finally completed Hard. Now, for some of you elite players out there, that might be all too easy, but come on. Look back on yourselves and see just how hard you should have found it. I felt so awesome when I completed Freebird, which to be quite honest, is not as hard as some of the songs before it.

Once again, thanks for reading, GameSpotters.

Well earned rewards from the city of Las Vegas


Once again, excessive playing of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, has lead me yet another rank up. I've unlocked all the camouflage patterns, except for the custom camos. Rust, Urban II, Red, Yellow, Grey, and Tiger. With a combination of my newest armour coloured in Rust camo, then underlayed with Grey, I have to say, I look kick ass. Only two ranks after Lieutenant Colonel, and they are Colonel, and Elite. End of an era soon enough, and the beginning of a new one.

Thanks for reading, GameSpotters.

Future Purchases

Well, since E3 2007, there have been some major announcements in the gaming industry, as usual. Release dates play quite a part in those announcements, and they have lead me to list the following future purchases I will hopefully pursue (in no particular order).

Halo 3
Unreal Tournament 3
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Mass Effect
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Hellgate: London
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

If I save my pennys, I should be able to purchase all of these, with the exception of Guitar Hero III, as I was thinking of getting the new guitar with it, so I can use the multiplayer fuctionality at home (as well as online).

Now you've read it, comment it, my fellow GameSpotters! (Oh yeah, school's out!)

(EDIT) I'm also looking forward to Rock Band, but like with Guitar Hero III, it will take me longer to get that, and will probably end up being something like a Christmas purchase or something.

E3 - Microsoft Press Conference

It certainly was a good watch, lots of things to show off, lots of things to be entertained by. If you haven't watched it already, go, now!

Thing is, I watched it live, and yet I have no emblem! I'll give it more time, though. I'll be awaiting my Nintendo and Sony emblems, too, when i've watched those conferences.

That's Major Asakura to you, Soldier.


I finally got the promotion i've been waiting for, and man, it's as sweet as anything. Sin City sure has been good to me the past few days, but i'm going to carry on going strong. I'll be Elite before you know it, people! Just you wait.

Taking a trip to Sin City


Well, i've been playing a fair bit of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas lately on my 360. I tell you what, the skill never leaves you. I can still kick ass, with the occasional opponent dealing the same ass kicking on me. Anyway, i've gone from Second Lieutenant to Captain in a matter of days. I've been constantly playing Terrorist Hunt on LVU Campus with my good friend, Blood Reaver. Surprisingly enough, it never gets old, and we have our fair share of fun while we play. I'm just looking ahead to my next promotion, in which I shall unlock the last sets of armour which I have craved for so long.

Wish me luck, GameSpotters.