Killer instinc looks like a poor man's Street Fighter 4.. except you're not poor you have more money than your average console gamer.. so why settle for less ?
@jophy @uglypinkmoose i'm on the fence on it but basically... will i be able to make an atk speed mage viable ? (i lose interested if a game holds my hand to play an specific way not allowing me to do my own thing )
@murderek you don't have to be an ass you know ? they're just employees there... their job is to also try and convince people to buy as much as they can. They always ask you if you want to reserve so and so game and that so and so game is being released and what not.
@OniLordAsmodeus or... you can have 35 characters for just 40 dollars. The newer expansions although screwy for the older customers are meant to get newer customers. They are milking it you're right.. but there's more value in SF4 than in KI.
Joedgabe's comments