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JoeyHawk Blog

Back To School

Yeah, I have to go back to school tomorrow. Book day yesterday was fricking nuts, I have so many books I still need to get... hopefully I won't need them tomorrow. Plus, I've got a three day weekend. Yeah. Anyway, sorry I haven't been posting in any of your blogs lately, I've been kinda busy... I will next time though, don't worry. Anyway, just letting you guys know I'm still here. UPDATE: ZOMG, GameSpot Ice!

Snakes... Where?

Snakes on a Plane is the best movie I have ever seen. It was seriously awesome. I don't want to go on and on about it, just made this entry to tell you all to see Snakes on a Plane... now! It's freaking awesome. Not for anyone that's squeamish, though. There's lots of impaling, biting, battering, and general violence. Hell, you even get to see some boobs. If that isn't enough to get you to see this movie... well, I don't know. See it.

5k Posts and Graphics Request Extravaganza! (Free Candy + Funny Stories Inside)

Just to fulfill my promise, here's a funny story. Okay, I was like, tying my shoes, and I accidentally tied them together. LMFAO, I know. Oh, and here's some candy *throws a Fig Newton at your face*, there ya go. Now that that's out of the way... I have to gather my thoughts here. Okay, now I remember. Yeah, I reached 5,000 posts here on GameSpot today. I have a feeling my posting activity may decline even more here though, as I signed up for Liquid Lurker yesterday and am loving it! (Does that make grammatical sense?) Don't worry though, I'm still gonna post in blogs a ton -- that's where a lot of my posting comes from. On top of that, I'll probably get tired of the tongue-in-cheek, off-topic style that Liquid Lurker has to offer and end up here again talking about games. In like, two days. So basically what I said earlier was a lie. I'm not leaving you guys! Oh, and I need a new sig. Someone, please just get me the animated GIF of Tenacious D's song "Tribute"... the part where Jack and Kyle have light coming out from behind them and the demon covers his ears. It's pretty popular here on teh internets, I'm just too lazy to look. Oh, and put a border around it, please! And JoeyHawk somewhere. It's gonna take some animating talent, but I'm confident someone here can make it happen. Hopefully. Thanks in advance. Anyway... still playing Dead Rising and Animal Crossing. Almost done with 72-hour mode (took me long enough, didn't it?), and I'm just running around talking to people in Animal Crossing. My character has triangle shades, a racing shirt, and spikey blonde hair. He's a badass. Just wait until I put on that regent wig I ordered from Tom Nook. Fonz, watch out, Joey's coming! Pompadours FTW.

Peace Out!

Yeah, I'm leaving for a bit. Something like four days. I have to go over to the Big Island on short notice. Anyway... don't let the site explode without me, guys. Oh, and don't make fun of me because I'll be behind everyone in Dead Rising... >_> See ya.

Carlito is a silly man!

Oh Carlito, how I despise you... argh. It's not that he's a particularly hard boss in Dead Rising, it's just that I always get incredibly close to killing him before Brad dies. I like to say he pulls a Brad (did any of you get that joke?). But besides that, Dead Rising has been spectacular so far. Graphics, gameplay, style... it's got everything. If I had one thing to change about the game, though, it would be to re-map the aiming mechanic to the right analog stick instead of the left... I find aiming with the left a bit awkward. But I understand why they did it. It was because if you aimed with the right stick, then it would be harder to press X to fire, so then they'd have to switch the X and right trigger functions, and it would feel weird to activate aiming mode with a face button... so it's probably better of that way. I bet a lot of you had no idea what I was talking about... >_> But yeah, Dead Rising is freakin' sweet. Some people love it, some people hate it, but it's safe to say that I'm a fan and am looking forward to a Dead Rising 2... and I'm also looking forward to beating 72-hour mode and trying to unlock that crazy infinity mode... it lets you play pretty much without the story missions to keep you held back... going off on a rant here again... you don't know what I'm talking about... getting... sleepy... Hey, before I fall asleep in this office chair, I just thought I should point out something funny. I had a grade school teacher a long time ago named Karl Ito. Carlito. ZOMG.

Today is (not) the day.

Yes, Dead Rising comes out today. I called GameStop yesterday just to check on when they were getting it, and more importantly, when they were unpacking it (I can't tell you how many times I've eagerly rushed into GameStop at 10 am only to discover that they haven't put it on the shelves yet). So, the clerk had the typical response, "early afternoon". I'm guessing he means around 1 pm, but I'm still gonna call before I drive over there, just so that I don't find myself in that same old situation... Yeah, I bet a lot of you are already playing Dead Rising, and I hate you for it! No, I don't hate you, but I do envy you. I'm almost afraid to take a peek at my friends list on, as I'll probably see the achievements many of you have unlocked and go into some sort or uncontrollable rage! Okay, not really. The purpose of this blog was to ask how the game is. So... how is it? UPDATE: Called around, no one has it 'till tomorrow. Typical. UPDATE 2: I went over and reserved a copy... I had no idea that this game was in such high demand here. Luckily my friend Rio was there, and I scored a Dead Rising t-shirt! Anyway, the game should be in by tomorrow.

Zombies Playing Guitars

Well, I decided to download the Dead Rising demo today. Right now it's at 64%... isn't it weird? The 360 takes so friggin' long just to download a 1 gb of content. It's amazing. I started the download around 9 or 10 this morning, and it's about 12:35 right now, and it's still not done! Just... amazing. How a powerful piece of technology like the 360 and a broadband connection could possibly be so sluggish is beyond me. Anyway... besides Dead Rising (which I'm sure is gonna be freakin' sweet -- I'm buying it on Tuesday), I've gotten back into Guitar Hero. Mainly because waiting for this fricking demo to download is driving me out of my damn mind. But I'm glad I'm back into Guitar Hero, it's fun. I kind just stopped playing after I beat it on normal, but there's still a lot to do. Like beating it on hard, for instance. Or buying the other secret character (I bought the Grim Ripper, I still need to get the other one), and buying new songs. But today I decided just to warm up by playing some of my favorites -- "Stellar" by Incubus, "You've Got Another Thing Coming" by Judas Priest, "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath, and a bunch of others. So it looks like I have something to do until Tuesday! What are you guys gonna be playing until Dead Rising comes out?

Flu: Day 4

Yeah, I've got the flu. I mentioned having a headache and cough a couple blog entries ago, but this is what it actually was. At first I thought the headache was from eyestrain, because I had been playing games non-stop the day before I started feeling sick, but I guess I was wrong. Now the cough has also turned into a cold as well, my ears are plugged, I'm nauseous, and I have no energy. So I'm sitting here, in my bed, writing this blog while I listen to the constant noise of a power-washer right outside my window. I can't really eat much, and I get dizzy playing games, so now I just have to try to keep busy on GameSpot while I wait this flu out. These are the times when I really wish had a decent DVD collection. Let's see what we've got here. Endless Summer, The Cooler, and Family Guy seasons 1-4. Aw yeah. Well, that's what's been goin' on with me lately. I'll talk to you guys later.

Meat vs. Cheese (About OTS)

Wow, today's On the Spot was... hectic. Most of you probably know that Rich is on vacation right now, so Jeff was hosting.  It turned out to be a little bit... different than normal episodes. They did demos of Guitar Hero II, Spy Hunter, Madden 07, and, my personal favorite and most anticipated game of August *drum roll* -- Dead Rising!  Man, does that game looks sweet.  Matt Rorie came on to show us the wonder of gas-powered weapons... well, you've just got to see it.  I'm probably gonna go watch that part again, because I was having some connection problems that caused my Windows Media Player to buffer every 15 seconds... lame. And then, after the show, I was chatting with some GameSpot editors and users, and Bethany started talking about cheese, and then I started a debate about meat vs. cheese.  Let me tell you, that was unlike any debate you've seen before. So if you haven't watched it already, do it now!