More Points (Updated)
by JoeyHawk on Comments
Well, I broke 12,000 earlier today. Galaga put me over 12k. Right now, I only need one more achievement in Galaga, which is the "Perfect Bonus" achievement. It's kind of tricky, because you have to make sure you have a double-ship (it's pretty much impossible without one) and then make it to a Challenge stage and beat EVERY SINGLE ENEMY before they escape. It not as hard as it sounds, and I know exactly which stage I'm gonna use (thank God for, but I haven't gotten around to logging onto XBL and actually doing it yet. I'm also working on Oblivion right now, which I've logged about 100 hours in so far. Just need to beat the Fighters' Guild and Thieves' Guild questlines and then I can put that one back on the shelf. So yeah (I say that a lot), I've been feeling kind of sick lately. Starting to get a cough, and I have this constant headache that's been lingering for a couple of days. I should probably go take a nap. Yeah, I should. Here's the plan. Spell check this blog post, submit it, go take a nap, make a sandwich, eat the sandwich, and then log onto XBL and unlock that last Galaga achievement and work on the Fighters' Guild. Your plan is to finish reading this sentence, drop me a comment, and move on with your life. UPDATE: I finally got that last achievement with the help of SoralinkGS, thanks again man!
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