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JoeyHawk Blog

Back from yet another suspension.

If you're someone who keeps up with the User Videos here on GameSpot, you may remember the video with Reggie Fils-Aime saying some... things about J. Allard. I did check the Mature Content box when uploading it, but I guess it was just too dirty for GameSpot... oh well, I got a day and a half suspension because they modded me at noon on Thursday. While I was gone, I also picked up Table Tennis for the 360. I am really impressed. It's a pretty simple game to pick up and play, but there is a lot of depth to it too... and it's pretty challenging too. Definitely a good buy if you're on the fence about it right now. Oh, and I found this sweet new XBL gamercard on the forums.

So... do you like it?

Yup, a new user icon. Bonus points if you can identify the show it's from. Now that I have that out of the way... you won't believe what happened. You know that order I put in for MGS: The Twin Snakes that I've been talking about so much lately? It was cancelled. My card was declined... but it's not what you think. I didn't go crazy at Bed, Bath, and Beyond or anything, it's just that I haven't activated my new card yet. Great, that delays my acquisition of the game even more! Arghhh!!! Well, I'm gonna pick up Rockstar Presents Table Tennis sometime this week, so hopefully that'll tie me over until then... ...oh, and forget Coke BlaK. The new cool drink is Arizona Green Tea.

Metal Gear Solid, Here I Come!

I've finally placed that order for Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, and it should be arriving soon. I also picked up New Super Mario Bros. yesterday, and I've gotta say, it exceeds my expectations. It doesn't reinvent the genre, but it really combines what you love about every different Mario game and combines it into one fantastic platformer. Expect a review within the next couple of weeks.

I need some ping-pong in my life...

Yeah, weird title, I know. But seriously, my 360 is collecting a serious layer of dust. NO GOOD GAMES. I'm sick of Oblivion already, and I need something new! I still have yet to pick up New Super Mario Bros., I was out-bidded in that auction for MGS: VR Missions, still haven't order The Twin Snakes, and I'm waiting for Table Tennis. My gamerscore is at a stand-still, and I haven't checked lately, but I'm sure my 360Voice is totally trash-talking me right now... so yeah. It's been kind of boring lately.

I can't think of a good title...

Not much going on lately... it's almost summer which is always good. I just bought the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album, Stadium Arcadium, last night. I'm really enjoying it, and boy, does it have a lot of songs! 28 to be exact. I'm currently bidding on a sealed copy of Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions on eBay, and I'm about to order a copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. You can probably tell I'm trying to catch up with the Metal Gear Soild series, and you're right. I originally intended to buy Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation, but copies of that are rare and overpriced, so I'm settling for the remade GameCube version. As for VR Missions, I just happened to stumble upon it on eBay and thought it would be a nice addition to my collection. I also just heard that New Super Mario Bros. came out, so I'll be picking that up soon as well. And of course, on the 22nd, we have Table Tennis being released. On a side note, I also just discovered a tasty new energy drink, Coca-Cola BlaK. It's like coffee, and Coke. What's not to like?


I've uploaded another user video. This time, it's footage of a tunnel in Russia, built underneath a river. This happens to be a high-speed tunnel, which causes lots of accidents. That combined with poor ventilation creates a lot of problems... let's watch. [video=cnc1lDvx5bsMszE]

I'm back from the dead!

It's kind of a long story... I flamed someone, everybody else defended him, I defended myself, it got ugly, and I was suspended for four days. That's pretty much it. I'm just glad I made it back in time to be able to discuss the news that's coming out of this year's E3. I must say, I'm quite dissapointed that I won't be able to buy a PS3 this year... $600 is just a bit too steep for a console, in my opinion. I might pay $500 for a console, but I'm not willing to settle for a 20GB model so... it looks like it's the Wii for me! But damn... Assasin's Creed looks so awesome. Ah well, it probably won't be a launch title anyway. Oh, and I scored three new emblems for watching the Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft press conferences live... and also uploaded this new Weird Al video. Check it out! [video=K3U1kmb55bMKvw]

I'm a Guitar Legend

...well, in normal mode at least. Damn, this game rocks! I just picked up Guitar Hero over the weekend, and boy, am I glad I did! I've finished easy mode, normal mode, and I've started on hard mode so far. This game is just so addictive... maybe it will make me want to continue practicing real guitar. Now if they only had Piano Hero... I would freakin' own at that game.

Wicked New Banner

Now, I know you probably clicked on a link to my blog thinking that I have a sweet new profile banner. Well I do. GameSpot's site preferences have been a little screwy lately, so you can't do things like change your forum sig or other images. Anywho, here is my new profile banner. It was obviously inspired by Far Cry, as I have been addicted to Far Cry Instincts Predator lately. Pretty sweet, eh? That is all.

Heck Yes!

Behold, videos. In blogs. [video=KiNnnzPx5bgFvA] Oh yeah, and I got a $90 rebate from the HDTV I bought a couple months ago. I was thinking about Guitar Hero, because everybody seems to have really enjoyed that game. I play a little bit of guitar, so it should be pretty easy to pick up. With the other $20, I was thinking about buying Brain Age for my DS. The last DS game I got was Animal Crossing: Wild World... and both Street Fighter, and the LocoRoco demo for my PSP are getting kinda old. So, is this a good purchase? Let me know what you think.