@thehig1: Yeah this is the problem I got older if I was still a kid I probably would find some of these scary games to be scary still. I played Alien Isolation and enjoyed it. Was it scary no but I double dip on it because the game was enjoyable.
I enjoy them and I still do. Every entry has a flaw or so, but I have managed to complete them even if I never go back for a second playthrough like others in the series.
Resident Evil 2 and Silent Hill. There's something about old games that were much scarier than games that are out today. Maybe I just got older and don't find games to be scary anymore.
I still enjoy the game from time to time when I feel like getting creative. I'm looking forward to Minecraft Earth and see how that goes. Since I'm always on the go on the weekdays. So it would be nice.
Oh boy Rayman. Let's see Legends, Rayman, Rayman 3, Origins, Rayman 2. The instrument level that takes place in the sky in Rayman 1 as you get hit by lighting bolts or stab by notes was a hard level as a kid. Also inputting save codes to continue off where you left off was a pain.
KH3 was a let down for me. The game was way too easy and it lacks content. I manage to 100% and couldn't get myself to go through another playthrough like the other games.
I don't think I'll ever run out of games to play. Since I already have a huge backlog myself and thanks to the golden week holiday I managed to clear out three games from my backlog.
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