@Birth_By_Sorrow All they said was that it will be similar to the PS3 and they can't control if devs like EA add an online pass to a game. X1 supporters are just trying to spin it differently or don't understand what they read.
@JamDev @Judge-Albel @Leonelidas The only thing i'm worried about is Shareholders are asking Microsoft to tank the gaming division entirely due to this disaster. And that leaves people without jobs. And Stories unfinished unless someone picks them back up. Microsoft is indeed huge. But if they see this really is going down south. They'll cut their losses. =/
@Leonelidas @Judge-Albel I really do hope for some form of PC innovation. But PC gamers only get so much love every now and then sadly. I'm a general gamer. If it plays games I like I'm gonna buy it. It's sad that I wont be buying an Xbox this generation simply on the principle of how they're doing business.
My PC will always be better than anything on the console market though lol.
I just think it really sucks that you can't even be loyal this generation really. You can only be smart. And in the end no one really wins except the people who were going to buy PS4/ Wii U anyways. I'm really saddened by all this news. But i'm not going to put on my Xbox Fanboy hat and pretend all is fine and dandy. =/
People have been saying "Oh you support sony! fanboy!" When the only thing i'm supporting is my own rights. I haven't even given misinformation about X1 or telling magical lies about Sony. I've done nothing but tell the truth and people are foaming at the mouth and angry.
It's not my fault the truth of Microsoft is hurting people and gaming as a whole. x.x;
@kuda001 Yeah this is my stance on things. I was defending the DRM stuff with a wait and see. But MS has gotten so arrogant these days that they really need to learn from this mistake this generation. Hopefully for the MS owned game devs this doesn't force them to tank the game portion of the company. Because shareholders are definitely asking that they step out of the game race.
@Blank2k2 @liberaid He just couldn't type that well. That is indeed what he meant. But that's opinionated and not fact. Whatever you are comfortable with is fastest and most precise . I know PC gamers that have switched to game controllers because it felt more natural. There is no such thing as a "best" control method.
@warhawk-geeby Isn't it hilarious that in order to win over gamers all they had to do was say they weren't Microsoft? Exclusives don't matter that much this day and age. TitanFall isn't exclusive, Ryse and Spark weren't impressive and even MS fanboys are fed up with Halo. Quantum break is very hit or miss due t it's gimmicks.
Quality games haven't been shown by anyone except.. Nintendo of all people. At least quality exclusives. We'll need to wait to see any form of quality exclusive from both Sony and MS.
Unfortunately for MS they dropped the ball on this one.
Judge-Albel's comments