Well everyone every single sport sgame under the name ___ 2008/08/2k8 is published. SO which game do you like the most?NBA 2K8 NBA Live 08NBA 08NHL 08NHL 2K8Madden 08Madden all Pro FootballNascar 2008Fifa 2008Previous Versions(State which one)
hey everyone.What is your Favorite Xbox360 game And do you have any advice or new owners of the xbox 360My 2 Favorite games are: Call of Duty 4: modern Warfare and NBA 2k8
Yeah they traded alot of good rookies and all just to be good in the presentIn years to come the Raptors will probably be the next best
I agree. They may be good now and maybe in 3 years but once those 3 start retiring the celtics dont have much talent or much of a salary cap left
But I think there playoff record will match the pats. Probably 4-0 sweps til lchampionships and if they end up in finals with Utah or somthing and LOSE. Well than there like the patriots
eah i see where your going.They are really udneratted(like the Giants) but they have the wins like the patriots.So there like the Chargers/Cowboys
Well lets hope they make it out of the first round this year. They are hoping to God they don't get the Suns again.Lostboy1224True if the lakers get stuck with the Suns there doomed now that theyve got Shaquille o Neil.Thou8gh it would be cool to see Bryant against o Neil
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